
>"N. Korea sends over 260 balloons carrying trash into S. Korea: Seoul military"

>"N. Korea appears to be struggling to secure parts for spy satellite: presidential office"

>"S. Korea mulls suit against N. Korea in case of Pyongyang's full-scale use of Kaesong complex"

> N. Korea sends largest-ever number of balloons carrying trash into S. Korea

↓(See detail of this article)、朝鮮日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Chosun Ilbo)

Translation; Balloons that seem to have been sent by N. Korea


> 京畿道漣川郡で発見された、北朝鮮が韓国に向けて飛ばしたとみられる風船。
> 直径 70センチ以上だということが分かった(写真提供=首都軍団)。

Following photos show balloons seem to have been sent by N. Korea towards S. Korea, which were discovered in Yeoncheon County, Gyeonggi Province.
It was found to be over 70 cm in diameter (photos provided by Capital Corps).