Ref.>"【悲報】都知事選、素人参加のど自慢状態に/清水国明氏、73歳で都知事選出馬 すでに立候補者 20人以上"

>"【話題】蓮舫氏「朝鮮人の虐殺の件も、大変大きな課題。公約を発表するときに皆さんにお伝えしたい」⇒ ネット「都政とは関係ない」「立ち位置がよく分かる発言」"

> 立憲 蓮舫議員 無所属で都知事選に立候補へ → ネットで様々な反応が上がる!が話題

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 5/28)


> 蓮舫氏については、共産党隠しで無所属で出る時点でないわ。
> 党首として無能だったのに、巨大都市の東京をまともに仕切れるわけがない。
> 唯一、自分の卑怯さを攻撃と強気でひたすら隠す能力しかない。
> 蓮舫氏がいかに無能か忘れた人は、震災の時の計画停電を思いすべし。

As for Renho, it is impossible since she will run as an independent, while hiding the JCP.
Even though she was incompetent as a party leader, there was no way she will be able to properly manage the giant city of Tokyo.
The only thing she has is the ability to hide her cowardice with "attacks" & "bullency."
Those who have forgotten how incompetent Renho is should think back to the rolling power outages just after the (* Great East Japan) Earthquake.

> 蓮舫氏「>"朝鮮人の虐殺の件も、大変大きな課題だと思っている。公約を発表するときにぜひ皆さんにお伝えしたい"」
> 都政とは関係ないのに、わざわざ関東大震災の「朝鮮人虐殺」に言及するとは、やはりそっちの勢力から使命を託されたか。

Renho: "I think that the massacre of Koreans is a very big issue too. I would like to convey this to everyone when I release my election pledges."
Even though it has nothing to do with the Tokyo metropolitan government, she intentionally commented on the "genocide of Koreans" at the time of the Great Kanto Earthquake -- it seems that, as expected, she is entrusted the mission by those powers (* leftists).

> 華僑のアイデンティティは、いくら日本に長く住んでいても、あくまで中国のままであることが多い。
> 日本の首都のトップとして今や日米の仮想敵になった中国の利益を優先する可能性がある者をつけるわけにはいかない。
> 実際、すでに関東大震災の「朝鮮人虐殺」で反論のある日本の立場を蔑ろにして、歴史の検証を無視し続ける韓国の立場に立つことを宣言しようとしている。

No matter how long they have lived in Japan, the identity of overseas Chinese remains Chinese in most cases.
As the head of the Japanese capital, we cannot allow someone -- who is likely to put China's interests first, which in nowadays becomes a hypothetical enemy of Japan and the U.S. -- to take office.
In fact, she is already attempting to declare that she stands on the position of S. Korea, which has continuously ignored historical examination, while disregarding Japan's position with counterarguments on the "genocide of Koreans" at the time of the Great Kanto Earthquake.