

>'小学校の運動会で「紅組・白組を廃止」の動き "勝ち負けをつけない"方針で、徒競走も「去年の自分に勝つ」 応援は「フレー!フレー!自分!」'

> 国基研チャンネル 第 544回「トランプ陣営幹部から聞いたウクライナ戦争出口戦略」 島田洋一(福井県立大学名誉教授)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/26)


> 安倍元首相の甥で岸元防衛相の長男・岸信千世衆院議員が台湾から帰国後、櫻井よしこ氏の国基研に寄稿。
> 保守・現実政治家として成長に期待

LH lawmaker Nobuchiyo Kishi (LDP) -- former PM Abe's nephew and former Defense Minister Kishi's eldest son) -- contributed to the JINF (Japan Institute for National Fundamentals), whose President is Yoshiko Sakurai, after returning from Taiwan.
That's the as expected essay that 'If we can't defend the Taiwan Strait, we will be able to defend neither Japan's sea lanes, nor sectors that form the basis of the country, such as energy and food, and the whole Japanese nationals will be in a crisis situation. As long as you live in Japan, no one is unrelated with that. We should not just talk emotionally about our friendship and feelings with Taiwan, but think realistically that the "Taiwan Strait as Japan's lifeline.'
I look forward to his growth as a conservative and pragmatism politician.

>"台湾海峡は日本の生命線 岸信千世(衆院議員)"


> 帰国すると兵庫県稲美町の水上メガソーラーが話題になっていた。
> パネル数は2万5860枚。
> 政財界もマスコミも、そして国土も、彼の国に蹂躙され放題の日本。
> 暗澹…

When I returned to Japan, I found that "floating mega solar" in Inami Town, Hyogo Pref. was a hot topic.
The number of panels is 25,860.
In response to the pointing out that "the more electricity is sold, the more the electricity bill (renewable energy charge) which will be shoulded by the nationals. Even worse, the president of the solar panel company is Chinese," I sigh.
Japan is a country, which is being overrun by that country, including the political and business circles and the media, and the national land.
It's gloomy...



> サンモニを見れば中国のマスコミ工作の "成功度"が分る。
> 米国は戦争回避の為に同盟国と一体となった「総合抑止」を掲げており、一方、中国はその分断を狙う。
> TBSと寺島実郎氏は中国側に立って重要な役割を果たしている。
> 日本で世論や政府の分断が成功した時に戦争は起こる。
> つまり中国による戦争を "呼び込む"とんでもない人達である

If you view the (* TBS program) Sanday-Morning, you can see the "degree of success" of China's media manipulation.
The U.S. advocates "comprehensive deterrence," in which united with its allies, in order to avoid war. On the other hand, China aims to divide that.
TBS and "Jitsuro Terashima" stand on the Chinese side and play an important role.
The war will breakout, when when public opinion and government are successfully divided in Japan.
In other words, they are the outrageous persons who will "invite" the war by China.

> 昨夜遅く台湾から帰国。
> するとサンモニで寺島実郎氏が「中国は抑制的に対応している。重要なのは台湾有事を日本有事にしてはならないという事」と。
> つまり「台湾は米軍だけに任せよ」と中国が泣いて喜ぶ主張を展開。
> 米軍が攻撃を受け "存立危機事態"と認定されれば日本は集団的自衛権を行使し必要最小限度の武力行使が可能になる。
> 仮に同盟国米国に対して "知らぬ顔"をするなら日米安保体制が機能不全に陥り、日本は存亡の危機に立つ。
> 今なお "一国平和主義"で日本が存続できると思っている事に唖然

Late last night, I returned from Taiwan.
Then, in the "Sanday-Morning," Jitsuro Terashima said that "China restraintly deals with it. What does matter is not to make a Taiwanese contingency be a Japanese one."
In short, he developed an argument, with which China crys tears of joy, that "Taiwan should leave to U.S. Forces alone."
If the U.S. Forces is attacked and "threat to national existence" is recognized, Japan will be able to exercise the right to collective self-defense and exercise minimum level use of force.
If Japan takes "indifferent stance" to an ally of Japan, the U.S., the U.S.-Japan security system will become not to work, and Japan will be in danger of surviving.
I'm stunned by that they still think that Japan can survive in "one-country pacificism."
