

>"【動画】ロシアメディア記者「日本の視聴者に一言」→ 鳩山由紀夫氏「"ウクライナが正しくてロシアが間違ってる"というような単純なものではない」"


> 立憲幹部の政治資金パーティー開催相次ぎ判明… 自民が "逆追及"【スーパー Jチャンネル】(2024年5月 24日)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/25)


> 1週間に亘った台湾取材終了。
> 23日の講演会も、最後に矢板明夫産経台北支局長も登場してくれて大いに盛り上がった。
> 打ち上げも談論風発で深夜まで。
> 今回は総統就任式や晩餐会を始め印象深いシーンが多かった。
> だが人民解放軍の台湾包囲作戦は深刻。
> 週明けから文化人放送局や言論テレビで解説させて頂く

The coverage in Taiwan over the one week is over.
The lecture on May 23 was also very fired up, with Akio Yaita, the Taipei bureau head of The Sankei Shimbun, appeared at the end.
Even the wrap-up party, which was a discussion-style event, lasted until late at night.
This time, there were many deeply impressive scenes, including the presidential inauguration ceremony and the banquet.
However, the Taiwan encirclement operation by Chinese PLA is serious.
From the start of the next week, I will explain that in programs of "Bunkajin- Hosokyoku" & "Genron TV."





> 政治パーティー禁止法案を提出した立憲。
> だが岡田克也幹事長が自身は政治資金パーティーを開催する事に党の内外から非難殺到。
> 安住淳国対委員長が4月にパーティーを開いたのを始め、岡田氏だけでなく大串博志選対委員長も開催予定。
> だが岡田氏は本日、大阪府で 27日予定のパーティー中止を明らかに。
> 直前中止でキャンセル料や業者の損害補償など大変だろう。
> ここまで引っ張った岡田氏のセンスに唖然

The CDPJ, which has submitted a bill banning political parties.
However, a flood of critisim is rushed from both inside and outside of the party against that Secretary-General Katsuya Okada himself planned to hold a political fundraising party.
Not only Okada, CDPJ Diet Affairs Committee Chairperson Jun Azumi held in in April, and even Clection Committee Chairperson Hiroshi Ogushi has a plan to hold it.
However, Okada revealed today that he would cancel the party to be scheduled to be hdld on May 27 in Osaka Pref.
As the event is canceled at the last minute, it will be difficult to pay cancellation fees and compensation for damages to the agent(s).
I was stunned by Okada's sense to be postponed until now.


>"岡田、大串氏がパーティー中止 政治改革への影響回避 -- 立民"


> 小池百合子都知事が3選目指し無所属で都知事選立候補へ。
> 前回は二階俊博幹事長と二人三脚で自民に実質支援させて再選。
> 今回も自民独自候補見送り工作の末の出馬。
> 震災時に出火懸念などがある太陽光パネルの "戸建住宅設置義務づけ条例"をひっくり返す都民にとって最後のチャンス

Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike will run as an independent candidate for the Tokyo gubernatorial election aiming for her 3rd term.
Last time, she was re-elected by colaboration with (then) LDP Secretary-General Toshihiro Nikai with support from the LDP in practice.
This time as well, she decides to run after making effort to make the LDP give up to field its own candidate.
It will be the last chance for Tokyo residents to overturn the ordinance requiring installation of solar panels on detached houses, which poses concerns about fires and so on in the event of an earthquake.

>"東京都知事選 小池知事が立候補の意向固める 自民は独自候補擁立を見送る方向 立憲・共産は候補者選定中"


> 6月から電気料金大幅値上がり。
> 政府の補助金が廃止される為だ。
> 前年同月と比べ関西電力で 46.4%、九州電力で 43.8%の上昇。
> 再エネ賦課金引き上げも直撃。
> 緑を潰す環境破壊メガソーラーを国民負担で支援し、岸田政権と国会議員が放置する不条理。
> なぜ国民はもっと怒らないのか

Since June, electricity rates will rise remarkably.
The reason why is that the governmental subsidy will be abolished.
Compared to the same month last year, 46.4% rise for Kansai Electric Power and 43.8% for Kyushu Electric Power.
The increase in renewable energy charge will also have a direct impact.
It is absurd to support environmentally destructive mega-solar power plants that destroy greenery at the public burden, and the Kishida administration and Diet menbers leave that untouched.
Why don't the nationals be raged more!?

>"6月電気代、最大 46.4%上昇 補助金終了、再エネ賦課金負担増"