Ref.>"China China's large military drills around Taiwan could become regular: Experts"

>"China starts second day of war games around Taiwan to test ability to 'seize power'"


Translation of X (* tweet) by Hiroyuki Nishimura (aka Hiroyuki, on '24. 5/25)


> 中国軍の台湾周辺での軍事演習があるにも関わらず、沖縄の米軍基地の前で「米軍は出ていけ。自衛隊も出ていけ」と言ってる人たちを支持してる日本人がいる不思議。
> 米軍と自衛隊が沖縄から居なくなったら、中国軍の利になる事がわからないぐらい頭が悪いのかな?

Even though the Chinese PLA is conducting military exercises around Taiwan, it's strange that there are Japanese persons who support the ones shouting "The USFJ should leave. The SDF should also leave" in front of the U.S. military base in Okinawa.
Are they so stupid that they don't understand that it will be in the Chinese military's interest, if U.S. Forces and SDF leave Okinawa?

>"中国軍の台湾周辺での軍事演習 知事「慎重に行われるべき」"


> 辺野古の米軍基地がある名護市で基地に反対する人は少数派です。
> 米軍基地存続派の自民党系の市長が当選してます。
> 反対運動をメディアが流すので、反対派が多数のように本土の人が誤解してるだけです。
> 沖縄に住んでる多数派の人はまともです。

In Nago City, where the U.S. military base at Henoko is located, those who oppose the base are in the minority.
A LDP mayor, who supports the preservation of the U.S. military, was elected.
Because the mass media covers the opposing campaign, the mainlanders simply misunderstand that opposing ones are majority.
The majority of the residents in Okinawa are decent ones.

>"名護市長選で大敗、オール沖縄苦境 「基地は生活の問題なのに」"
