
>"台湾、WHO(世界保健機関)総会の招待状届かず… 台湾外相「中国の圧力が原因」 台湾の中央通信社記者が総会の記者証を申請するも、「中華人民共和国のパスポート提示」を要求 ⇒ 日本・米国・英国など「台湾を WHO総会へ」共同声明で訴え"


> China launches 'strong punishment' military drills encircling Taiwan

Translation of X (* tweet) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 5/25)


> 昨日の朝は自由民主党国防議員連盟勉強会からスタート。
> というリアルな内容。
> 腹を括って事を急がなければ有事の最大の被害者は日本になってしまいます。
> 政治家としてできる限りのことはやって参ります。

I started yesterday morning by attending a workshop of the LDP national defense lawmakers league (correc name in English is unknown).
We were lectured by Senior Research Fellow of >"Canon Institute for Global Studies" (CIGS), "Kenji Minemura," titled as "Sino-U.S. confrontation Taiwan Crisis."
It was the real contents as follows;
"Right now, bullets are flying."
"The Taiwan contingency has been already kicked off."
If we don't act decisively, Japan will be the biggest victim of the contingency.
As a politician, I will do evey and each matter I can.