Ref.>"U.S. State Dept. coordinates closely with Taiwan amid PLA drills"

>"Philippines, Japan to seal defense deal at 2-plus-2 meeting in July"

>"Japan to Join U.S. in Valiant Shield Exercise, China Continues Military Drills Near Taiwan"

>【櫻井よしこ特別版!】呉江浩中国大使を「国外追放」せよ! 頼総統就任に「日本民衆は火の中」暴言許すな

Translation; "It's a disappointing impossible to see the warships" = an exercise onlooker expressed so in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China

>"演習見物客「軍艦見られず残念」 中国福建省福州市"

> 中国軍の軍事演習の対象地域である台湾の離島、馬祖島の対岸に位置する中国福建省福州市では 24日、ヘリコプターが上空を飛ぶ音が時折響いた。
> ただ住民は普段通りの生活を送っているように見え、緊張感は乏しい。
> 演習を見に同市の岬を訪れた男性(56)は「規模は大きいはずだが、ミサイル発射や軍艦の姿を見られず残念だ」と落胆していた。

On May 24, the sound of helicopters flying overhead could be heard from time to time in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China, which is located on the opposite coast of the Pratas Islands, a remote island in Taiwan that is the target area of the Chinese military exercises.
However, residents seemed to be living their lives as usual, while there is little sense of strain.
A 56-year-old male who visited the city's cape to see the exercise was disappointed, saying that "It should be the large scale exercises, but it's disappointing impossible to see missile firings and the warships."

> 岬から馬祖島までの距離は約 20キロ。
> 男性は「中国軍の実力は近年向上しており、台湾がかなうはずがない」と自信にあふれた様子で語った。
> 同じ岬の岩場でカキなどを採っていた女性は「演習があることさえ知らない。私には関係ない」と淡々と作業を続けた。

The distance from the cape to the Pratas Islands is approx. 20 km.
The male spoke confidently that "The strength of the Chinese PLA has improved in recent years. Therefore there is no way that Taiwan can match it."
A female who were collecting oysters and so on at the rocky area on the same cape continued her work calmly, saying that "I don't even know the exercises is conducted. It's none of my business."