
> 高市早苗「LINEやってるわけない」なりすましに対し #Shorts

Translation; "There is no way for me to use LINE" = LH lawmaker Sakane Takaichi (LDP) issued a warning about a spoofed account

>"高市早苗氏 「私が LINEやっとるわけねーだろうがっ」自身のなりすましアカウントに注意喚起"

> 自民党の高市早苗経済安全保障相が18日、自身の公式X(旧ツイッター)を更新。
> なりすましアカウントについて注意喚起した。
> 高市氏は「>"通報をしましたが"」と書き始め、「>"なりすましアカウントですので、皆さま、お気をつけくださいませ"」とつづり、自身の Xのなりすましアカウントの画像を投稿した。

On May 18, Minister in Charge of Economic Security Sanae Takaichi (LDP) newly posted on her official X (formerly Twitter).
She issued a warning about a spoofed account.
Takaichi started the posting to say that "I have already reported it" and wrote that "As this is a spoof account, that please be careful," and posted an image showing the spoof account of her X-account.

> そして「>"以下、小野田紀美議員ふうに表現をいたしますが…。そもそも私がLINEやっとるわけねーだろうがっ"」と、自民党の "岡山のジャンヌ・ダルク"の名前を挙げて締めくくった。
> この投稿にフォロワーからは「キレた笑」「さすが!」「落ちがさすがです」「最近流行りの著名人の名前使った投資詐欺ですね」「かっこいいです」「心の声がダダ漏れです」「笑いごとじゃないけど笑った」などの声が寄せられた。

And she closed her X-post by mentioning the name of LDP "Joan of Arc in Okayama," saying that "Hereafter, I would like to express it like UH lawmaker Kimi Onoda (LDP)... To begin with, there is no way for me to use LINE."
In response to the X-post, her followers are posting following comments;
"You loses your temper (lol)."
"As expected!"
"The punchline is excellent."
"It's a recently popular investment fraud using the name of a celebrity."
"You are cool."
"The voice of the heart is leaking."
"It's no laughing matter, but I laughed."