Ref.>"Japan to Taiwan: We Salute Your Bravery"

>"Tesla in China -- It's Just a Question of 'When'"

>"Forced Repatriation of Overseas Chinese Focus of New Report"


> William Lai sworn in as Taiwan's new president, pledges to defend island's democracy

Translation; "Just avoid war, please" = supporters of new Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te requested a moderate policy toward the mainland China

>"「戦争だけは避けて」 頼清徳氏支持者、穏当さ求める"

> 台湾総統府前の祝賀式典会場で 20日に行われた就任演説で頼清徳新総統は力を込めた。
> 目指すのは中台の「現状維持」。
> 詰めかけた支持者らも「戦争だけは避けて」と話し、穏当な対中政策を求めていた。

"I hope that China will face up to the existence of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and respect the choices of the Taiwanese people."
In his inaugural speech held on May 20 at the celebration venue in front of the Taiwanese Presidential Office Building, Taiwan's new president, Lai Ching-te (* aka William Lai), emphasized aforementionedly.
What he aims is to "maintain the status quo" in Sino-Taiwan relations.
His supporters, who fully gathered there, also called for a moderate policy toward China, saying that "Just avoid war, please."

> 会場には約2万人の支持者が集まった。
> 頼氏は妻の呉コウ如さんと現れ、落ち着きつつも時折誇らしげな表情を浮かべて演説。
> ただ民主進歩党(民進党)政権が続くこともあり、1月の総統選の際のような熱狂的な声援はない。

Approx. 20,000 supporters gathered at the venue.
Lai Ching-te appeared with his wife "Wu Mei-ju" and made a speech calmly but somethimes showed proud-expression on his face.
When he said that "Taiwan is a sovereign and independent state," loud applause ocurred.
However, because the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) continues to be in power in part, there was no enthusiastic support-voice as during the presidential election in January.