
>"政治家の裏金問題に怒る有権者へ… 堀江貴文氏「選んだんだから仕方ないでしょ?」"

>"立憲と国民が政治資金規正法の改正案を共同提出 立憲は単独で政治資金パーティー開催禁止法案を提出"


>「政権交代を期待」52% このままでは惨敗… 危機感も(2024年5月 20日)

Translation; Involvement in slush fund is "a level of speculation" = PM Fumio Kishida denied re-hearing with former PM Yoshiro Mori

>"首相、森元首相の再聴取を否定 裏金関与「推測の域」"

> 岸田文雄首相は 20日の衆院予算委員会で、自民党派閥の裏金事件を巡り、安倍派前身の森派会長だった森喜朗元首相への再聴取の要求に対し「考えていない」と否定した。
> 4月に自ら森氏に電話した聴取で「不記載の慣行がいつから始まったかなどを直接聴いた。推測の域を超えた具体的な関与は確認できていない」と述べた。

In responded to a request for a re-hearing with former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, who was chairman of the Mori faction, the predecessor of the Abe faction, over the slush fund issue of the LDP intra-party factions, at a LH budget committee on May 20, PM Fumio Kishida rejected that, saying that "I have no intention to do so."
He said that, in the hearing which he himself made a phone call to Mori in April, "I questioned him directly about when the not-recording practice began. It's impossible to confirm any specific involvement that goes beyond speculation."

> 森氏は先月配信の月刊誌「文芸春秋」電子版インタビューで、裏金システムを作ったのかとは首相から質問されなかったと明かしている。
> 予算委で立憲民主党の野田佳彦氏は、言い分が食い違い「政治に対する不信感をあおる」と批判。
> 森氏の参考人聴取を求めた。
> 共産党の塩川鉄也氏も証人喚問に言及した。

In an interview in the online edition of the monthly magazine "Bungei-Shunju," which was distribuded last month, Mori revealed that the prime minister did not question him whether or not he created the slush fund system.
At the budget committee, Yoshihiko Noda (CDPJ) criticized that the arguments were contradictory and "therefore fans the distrust in politics."
He requested to summon Mori as a witness.
Tetsuya Shiokawa (JCP) also mentioned to call him as a witness.