
>"安保法反対デモ参加者さん「治家はどこが切り取られて独り歩きしても良いように演説しなきゃだめでしょ!」→ X民「じゃあこれはれいわが起こした事故と言う事にします…」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 5/20)


> 共産党員らが言っている「比喩の前提がおかしい」は言葉狩り典型。
> 文化伝統を破壊するキャンセルカルチャーだ。

What Japanese Communist Party members say that, "the premise of the metaphor is wrong," is a typical word hunting.
It is a cancell culture that destroys cultural traditions.

> 立憲民主党が上川外相の「うまずして」発言で辞任を求めるって、馬鹿じゃねえの?
> ここまで破廉恥な党だとは。
> マジで呆れるわ。

The CDPJ demands FM Yoko Kamikawa to step down due to her remark of "not producing" (* not "not giving birth") -- they are idiot, aren't they!?
It's a shameful party to such degree.
I'm really amazed.


>"上川外相「うまずして」撤回、立民議員は「辞任せよ」 過去に「産みの苦しみ」使った例も"


> 共同通信社の外信部次長2人がそれぞれソウル支局長のときに、支局の運営資金をウォン換算で実勢より低く申告して、差額の 5700万円余りを着服していたことが発覚して解雇。
It was exposed that the two deputy director of oversead dept. of the Kyodo News Agency misappropriated over \57 million of gap by filing the operation-fund of the branch office in won term lower than the actual exchange rates, when they were director of the Seoul branch office, and they were fired.

>"共同通信 元ソウル支局長2人が 5700万円余り着服で懲戒解雇"