


>"Top S. Korean, U.S., Japanese, Australian Army officials discuss deterrence against N.K. threats"

> レーダー照射、未だになぜ行ったか説明をしない韓国、噂では…/ヘリ墜落でイラン大統領の●亡確認、本当に事故なの?/露宇情勢の落としどころは?ほんこん×佐波×河野×高橋【マンデーバスターズ】5/20(月)

Translation of X (* tweets) by UH lawmaker Masahisa Sato (LDP, aka "captain of the mustache," on '24. 5/20)


> 日本国内の状況を考えても問題の実態解明が進まない中での再発防止策は国民の納得感を得にくい】

[When it comes to resumption of Japan-S. Korea defense exchanges, I can understand the necessity for patrol aircraft safety measures. However, in the first place, a recurrence prevention measure while remaining the FCS radar lock-on case vague may leave the roots of evil in the future. (Japan) have passed this street before].
When I think the Japan's domestic conditions too, the recurrence prevention measures without an investigation of facts of the problem are not likely to be accepted by the nationals].

>"日韓防衛交流を再開へ… レーダー照射問題で再発防止策など確認見通し、近く防衛相会談"


> 竹島に不法上陸し、竹島と LINE問題を結びつけて強烈に日本批判したチョグクは進歩系の有力な大統領候補で女性にも人気。
> 尹大統領の不支持率は約 67%、与党の支持率も僅か 32%で野党を下回っている。
> 隊員の安全確保の為にも、日本政府はレーダー照射問題に関し慎重な対応が必要。

Cho Kuk -- who illegally landed on Takeshima and fiercely criticized Japan by linking Takeshima to the LINE issue -- is a promising progressive presidential candidate, who is also popular with females.
President Yoon's disapproval rating is about 67%, and the ruling party's approval rating is only 32%, which are lower than the opposition party.
In order to secure safety of the SDF members in part, Tokyo needs to take careful measures regarding the FCS radar lock-on case.