Ref.>"岸田首相、マイナ保険証を「積極的に促進」 12月に一本化の方針"

>"頼総統就任式、中台関係「現状維持」⇒ 日本から多くの議員らが参加だが…"

>"New Taiwan leader Lai Ching-te vows to keep cross-strait status quo"

> LIVE: Lai Ching-te takes office as Taiwan's new president

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 5/20)


> クラリネットだけで構成されてされた珍しい楽団の演奏を拝聴した後は、昭和天皇即位を記念して設けられた中山堂へ。
> ここは、1945年に日本と中華民国との間での降伏文書調印式が行われた場所でもあります。
> 見学した昨日は、催し物のリハーサルが行われており、その舞台となったホールは見学できませんでした。

After listening to a performance by an orchestra rarely consisting only of clarinets, we headed to Taipei Zhongshan Hall, which was built to commemorate the enthronement of Emperor Showa.
This is also the place where the signing ceremony of the Instrument of Surrender between Japan and the Republic of China was held in 1945.
When I visited yesterday, a rehearsal for an event was being held. It was therefore impossible to tour the hall which was the stage of that.

> 日華懇は超党派議連。

the Japan-Taiwan legislators consultative council is a bipartisan league.
Following photos show one scene in the waiting room of the presidential inauguration ceremony.

>"浜田 聡 参議院議員 WBPC問題調査中 💉💉💉 YouTubeやブログは毎日発信 and 神谷宗幣"