Ref.>"【韓国】金塊 30キロを日本へ密輸 韓国籍の被告に有罪判決"

>"N. Korea slams U.S. over redesignation as uncooperative country in counterterrorism efforts"

> North Korean leader ordered army to modernize artillery, which could strengthen support for Russia

Translation; Russian President Vladimir Putin has been preparing to visit N. Korea = Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov expressed so, while not commented on the time

>"プーチン氏、訪朝へ準備 ロシア報道官、時期には触れず"

> ロシアのペスコフ大統領報道官は18日、プーチン大統領の北朝鮮訪問の準備が進んでいると述べた。
> タス通信が伝えた。
> 具体的な日程には触れていない。
> ウクライナ侵攻を巡って欧米と対立を深めるロシアは北朝鮮との関係強化を急速に進めており、ロ朝の軍事面での協力強化に日米欧は懸念を強めている。

On May 18, the press secretary for Russian president Vladimir Putin, "Dmitry Peskov," said preparation for Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to N. Korea was underway.
The Russian news agency TASS reported so.
No specific dates were mentioned.
Russia, which has deepened confrontation with the Western Countries over its invasion of Ukuraine, has been rapidly upgrading relations with N. Korea. The Western Countries and Japan has strengthened the concern to Russo-N. Korea cooperation-strengthening in military field.

> プーチン氏は18日、モスクワの大統領府で北朝鮮との政府間委員会のロシア側代表であるコズロフ天然資源環境相と会談した際、北朝鮮との2国間協力の進捗状況について質問。
> コズロフ氏は「大きな計画がある」と述べ、農業分野や観光旅行、文化交流や自然保護関連などで協力が進んでいると説明した。

When he held a meeting with Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology, "Alexander Kozlov," on May 18, President Putin questioned about the conditions of progress of bilateral cooperation with N. Korea.
Kozlov said that "We have big plans with our Korean comrades" and explained that cooperation were underway in fields including agriculture, tourism, cultural exchanged and environment protection.