
>"【読売世論調査】「次の自民総裁」石破茂氏がトップ 22%、2位は小泉進次郎氏16%"


>'百名山の1つ福島 "吾妻山"の山肌が剥き出しに 石川和男氏「再エネを盲信する人々に聞きたいのですが、この景観を見てどう感じますか? こんなことまでして、太陽光発電をやるべきだと思いますか?」⇒ ネットの反応「悔しくて涙がでそうになる…」'

>【不都合な真実】「太陽光発電で CO2削減」はウソ?【WiLL増刊号#300】

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/19)


> 保守政治家へのヤジ攻撃の放置から遂には元首相暗殺にまで発展させたのは誰か?
> やり放題に任せ、"つばさの党"を生んだ張本人。
> 島田洋一氏は「汚物系ゴロに寄り添う、事なかれ主義、左翼迎合の "法執行"エリートたち。彼らが日本を腐蝕させる」と。
> 国の事を何も考えない万能感に満ちたエリートこそ元凶である事を忘れまい

Who is it, who left the jeer-attack on conservative politicians untouched to escalate into the assassination of the former prime minister?
He is the very persons, who left them do whatever they wanted and created the "Tsubasa Party."
Yoichi Shimada X-posted that '"Law enforcement" elites -- who are on the side of filthy bastards, not rocking the boat and pander to the leftists -- are the ones who will corrode Japan.'
Let's not forget that the root cause is the elites, who are filled with sense of omnipotent while don't think about the country at all.



> 百名山の1つ福島 "吾妻山"の山肌が剥き出しに。
> メガソーラーに壊されていく自然と故郷の風景。
> 国土破壊を放置する国会と、何もできない国民の無惨

The surface of "Mt. Azuma" in Fukushima, one of the 100 famous mountains, is exposed.
Nature and the scenery of the hometown are being destroyed by mega solar power generation.
Kazuo Ishikawa X-posted that "I would like to question persons, who blindly believe in renewable energy, how do you feel when you see this landscape? Do you think we should to solar power generation, even if we do such matter!?"
The misery of the Diet which leaves the destruction of the national land untouched, and the nationals impossible to do anything.


>"百名山・吾妻山の山肌がむき出しに メガソーラーに心乱れる福島市民"


> 日本を守りたい日本人はそもそも緑と自然を潰して中国のソーラーパネルで国土を覆いたいとは思わない。
> 再エネ議連の議員達には中国への忠誠と利権しか頭にないのだろう。
> 再エネ賦課金という事実上の "第2の税金"で国土を蹂躙する勢力。
> 彼の国の侵略の一環としてこの吾妻山の姿がある事を心に銘記したい

Japanese persons, who want to protect Japan, don't want to destroy greenery and nature and cover the national land with made-in-China solar panels to begin with.
The members of the LDP renewable energy lawmakers league probably only care about their loyalty to China and interests.
The power that overruns the country with the de facto "2nd tax" called "renewable energy charge."
I would like to keep in mind that this appearance of Mt. Azuma is part of the invasion by that country.



> 石川和男氏によれば「100万kWの原子力発電所(敷地面積 0.6㎢)が1年間運転した場合の電力量と同じ電力量を太陽光・風力で発電」する場合は、
>①太陽光発電所の敷地面積は 58㎢(東京の山手線内一杯の広さ)
>②風力発電所の敷地面積は 214㎢(山手線の 3.4倍)
> の差だそうだ。
> 山手線内の 3.4倍で、緑の樹々は何百万、いや何千万本伐採されるのだろうか。
> 狂気の沙汰

[Comparison between nuclear power and renewable energy] is interesting.
According to Kazuo Ishikawa, in case that "The same amount of electric energy, when a 1 million kW nuclear power plant (site area: 0.6 km2) is operated for one year, is generated by solar and wind power," the differences are as follows;
1) The site area of the solar power plant is 58 km² (the size of the whole inside of the Yamanote line in Tokyo)
2) The site area of the wind power plant is 214㎢ (3.4 times the size of the Yamanote Line)
I wonder how many millions of, or tens of millions of green trees will be cut down in an area 3.4 times as the size of the whole inside of the Yamanote Line.
Crazy deed.
