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↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; "Japan can afford no further delay," Economic Security Minister Sanae Takaichi appealed urgent enactment of a cyber-law

>"サイバー法、早期整備を 高市氏「もう待ったなしだ」"

> 高市早苗経済安全保障担当相は18日、札幌市内で講演し、サイバー攻撃に先手を打ち被害を未然に防ぐ「能動的サイバー防御」に向けた早期の法整備を訴えた。
> 閣内では河野太郎デジタル相が担当すると説明した。

On May 18, Minister in charge of Economic Security Sanae Takaichi lectured in Sapporo City. She appealed an urgent legislation in order for "active cyber defense" which takes preemprive measures and prevent damages in advance against cyber attacks.
She said that "It's already time's up. We must realize it USAP."
She explained that, in the Cabinet, Minister for Digital Transformation Taro Kono is the person in charge.

> 高市氏は「一つのIPアドレス当たり14秒に1回、サイバー攻撃を受けている」と指摘。
> 企業の重要情報を盗まれた場合、相手にウイルスを送って情報を消す行為が現行法に抵触するとして、電気通信事業法や不正アクセス禁止法の改正が必要になるとの認識を示した。

Takaichi pointed out that "Cyber-attack is done once in 14 seconds per one IP address."
She showed her recognition that, in case that critical information of a company is stolen, revise of "Telecommunications Business Act" & "Act on Prohibition of Unauthorized Computer Access" were necessary, as an act to send a computer virus to the counterpart and delete information violates the current laws.