Ref.>"Arrests over Election Obstruction: Diet Should Deepen Discussions to Prevent Reoccurrence"


Translation; Maybe more than 15 times election-interference by Tsubasa Party to plural camps

>"選挙妨害15回以上か つばさの党、複数陣営に"

> 衆院東京15区補欠選挙を巡り、公選法違反(自由妨害)容疑で政治団体「つばさの党」の代表ら3人が逮捕された事件で、つばさの党が複数陣営に少なくとも15回にわたって選挙活動を妨害した疑いがあることが18日、捜査関係者への取材で分かった。
> 警視庁捜査2課は複数陣営から被害届を受理しており、逮捕容疑の妨害行為以外も立件を視野に捜査している。

Over three persons including leader of the political organization, "Tsubasa no To" (Tsubasa Party), were arrested for suspicion of violation of the Public Offices Election Act (obstruction of freedom election) over the LH Tokyo Constituency 15th by-election, on May 18, it turned out by coverage(s) with investigative official(s) that Tsubasa Party is suspected of interfering with election-campaigns by multiple camps on at least 15 times.
The 2nd Investigation Division of the Metropolitan Police Department received damage-reports from multiple camps. Other than the arrest-charges, obstruction of freedom election, it therefore have been investigating the cases while filing case in mind.

> 捜査関係者によると、捜査2課は、大音量で主張を訴えて演説を聞きにくくするなどの行為を5回以上、選挙カーを追尾して交通の便を妨げた行為を10回以上確認。
> これらが同法違反(自由妨害)に当たるとみている。

According to investigative official(s), the 2nd Investigation Division confirmed an act such as making speeches difficult to hear by making their claims loud at least five times, and obstructing traffic by following campaign cars more than 10 times.
It considers that these acts fall under violation of that law (obstruction of freedom of election).