
>"上川陽子外相、静岡県知事選応援演説で「うまずして何が女性か」→ 毎日新聞「配慮に欠けるとの指摘が出る可能性がある!」"

> 西尾幹二『日本と西欧の五〇〇年史』を読む。その2(前半) 西村幸祐 AJER2024.5.11(1)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 5/18)


> 共同通信ヘイト問題取材班がこれを報じた理由を教えて下さい。
> そうであれば、少しはこの問題班も真面目になったのでしょうか?

Please teach me the reason why Kyodo News "hate issue reporting team" reported that.
You judged that the argument of "association to protect the memorial monument" is hate-act to the persons who removed that, didn't you!?
You judged that labelling of the communism term of [revisionism] is hate-act, didn't you!?
If so, does the issue-team maybe become a little bit serious!?


>"群馬、朝鮮人追悼碑の集会 「撤去は歴史修正に加担」"


> 本間さん、説得力のあるコメントですね。
Honma-san, that's a persuasive comment.



> 魏志倭人伝のような出鱈目で尊大な、中華意識に凝り固まって周辺民族を野蛮人とする民族の自意識が、何年経っても治癒できないようです。
No matter how many years pass, like Gishi-Wajinden (* passages in Records of the Three Kingdoms describing the Wa people), it seems that the self-consciousness of the ethnic group, who are stubborn and arrogant and entrenched in their Chinese consciousness, and who treat surrounding peoples as barbarians, can't be cured.