Ref.>"【視点】米大使来島 侵略抑止のメッセージだ"

>"駐日米大使が八重山訪問 中国にらみ「抑止力必要」"

>"自衛隊のレーダーに影響が出るのを防ぐため陸上風力発電規制 → 共産党「反対!!」"


>【櫻井よしこ特別版!】中露の "核心的悪巧み" なぜ中国は露産原油を "高く"買うか

Translation of X (* tweet) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 5/18)


> 今日から台湾出張。
> 日華懇(超党派)のメンバー 31人で、頼清徳氏の総統就任式典に参列します。
> 早朝、羽田空港で結団式を終え、飛行機で台北へ。
> 到着後、早速、中華民国工商協進会との懇談昼食会です。
> 高校生による音楽演奏からスタートしました♪

I'm on a business trip to Taiwan from today.
Thirty-one members of the Japan-Taiwan legislators consultative council (bipartisan) will attend the presidential inauguration ceremony of William Lai Ching-te.
Early in the morning, we closed a formation ceremony at Haneda Airport and took a arplane to Taipei.
After arriving, we immediately had a social luncheon with the Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce, Taiwan (CNAIC)].
It started with a musical performance by high school students♪

>"508 foreign dignitaries to attend Lai's inauguration: MOFA"