Ref.>"【徳島】県立高の中国製タブレット、6割が故障… 県「追加で 4000台買う」"


↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; To emphasize U.S.-Japan cooperation while taking China in mind = U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel visited Yonaguni Island & Ishigaki Island


> エマニュエル駐日米大使は17日、日本最西端の沖縄県・与那国島と、同県・石垣島を相次いで訪問した。
> 地元自治体幹部らと意見交換し、陸上自衛隊駐屯地や海上保安庁の巡視船を視察。
> 駐日米大使の先島諸島訪問は異例で、緊迫化する台湾情勢や中国の海洋進出を念頭に、沖縄の安全保障の現状を自ら把握し、日米の緊密な連携をアピールする狙いだ。

On May 17, U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel visited Yonaguni Island, Okinawa Pref., the westernmost tip of Japan, and Ishigaki Island in the same pref. one after another.
He exchanged opinions with local municipalities executives, and inspected the garrison(s) of the Ground SDF and patrol boat(s) of the Japan Coast Guard.
Visit by U.S. ambassador to Japan to the Sakishima Islands is unusual, and aimed to grasp the security real situation in Okinawa by himself and appeal close U.S.-Japan cooperation, while taking the strained Taiwanese situation and maritime advancement by China in mind.

> 与那国島では、日本最西端の碑の前で与那国町の糸数健一町長と並んで記者団の取材に応じ「日本全土へのコミットメントを示す訪問だ。抑止力がなければ経済的威圧や侵略を受ける」と述べ、九州・沖縄の防衛力を強化する「南西シフト」を進める自衛隊と、米軍の連携の意義を強調した。
On Yonaguni Island, he was covered by reporters while lining with town mayor Kenichi Itokazu in front of the monement of the westerntip of Japan. He said that "It's the visit to show our comittment to the whole Japan. Economic coersion and invasion are done without deterrence," and emphasized significance of cooperation between U.S. Forces and the SDF which has been progressing "southwest shift" to upgrade defense capabilities of Kyushu & Okinawa region.

> 石垣島では陸自石垣駐屯地と海保の巡視船を非公開で視察。
> 日本政府関係者によると、陸自や海保の幹部が立ち会い、意見交換した。

On Ishigaki Island, he inspected "Japan Ground SDF Camp Ishigak" and Japan Coast Guard patrol boat(s) privately.
According to Japanese government official(s), executives from the Ground SDF and JCG attended him and exchanged opinions.