Ref.>"U.S. announces US$5 mln reward for info on N. Korean IT workers"

>"N.K. leader's sister dismisses suspicions of weapons exports to Russia"

>"U.S. expert says N. Korea might ignore Trump if he returns to White House"

> N. Korea resumes missile threats by firing multiple short-range ballistic missiles toward Sea of Japan (* not East Sea)

Translation; "Tactical ballistic missile" was fired on May 17


> 北朝鮮の朝鮮中央通信は18日、金正恩朝鮮労働党総書記が17日に「戦術弾道ミサイル」の発射実験を視察したと伝えた。
> 技術の高度化が目的だとしている。

On May 18, the state run KCNA in N. Korea reported that General Secretary of the WPK, Kim Jong-un, inspected the firing test of a "tactical ballistic missile" on May 17.
It's explained that >"The accuracy and reliability of the autonomous navigation system were verified through the test fire."