

>"トルコ共和国在日本大使館からお知らせ「90日間のビザ免除期間を超える外国人は強制退去となり、日本への入国禁止が課せられます」⇒ ネット「これは昔からある法律なんだけど、穿った見方をすれば『それ以上滞在したい場合は難民申請を』とアナウンスしてるのかと…」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/17)


> これはアフガニスタンではなくフランスだそうだ。
> 総人口約 6800万人でイスラム教徒は 8.8% 、約600万人。
> ドイツは総人口約 8400万人で、イスラム教徒が 6.6%、約550万人。
> 岸田 "移民大国化"法で日本も、じきこうなる。
> 欧州の失敗を教訓にしない愚かな人々

This allegedly shows France, not Afghanistan.
The total population is approx. 68 million, of which 8.8% are Muslims, or approx. 6 million.
Germany has a total population of approx. 84 million, of which 6.6% are Muslims, or approx. 5.5 million.
Due to the "immigration superpower" law of PM Kishida, Japan will soon become like this too.
Stupid persons, who don't learn from Europe's failures.



> 注目は "つばさの党"逮捕を受けた朝日・毎日・東京の社説だ。
> 秋葉原安倍演説の妨害や札幌のヤジ連呼を "表現の自由"とした彼らはどんな論理を展開するのか。
> 藤原かずえ氏は「演説の妨害者を堂々と正当化し安倍総理を罵り、この件では沈黙してきた彼らは明日、どう自己正当化するのか」と。
> 確かに楽しみ…

What should be paid attention is editorials of the Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun and Tokyo Shimbun, in response to arrest of "Tsubasa no To."
What logic will they develop, who described interference to the speech by PM Abe in Akihabara and repeated jeer as "freedom of expression"!?
Kazue Fujiwara X-posted that "How will they -- who have openly justified those who disrupted the speech and insulted PM Abe, and remaine silent on this matter -- justify themselves tomorrow?"
I'm definitely looking forward to it...




> この山本太郎氏の話を聞けば、つばさの党の常軌を逸した行動の源流がここにある事が分る。
> 実際、山本氏は 2017年総選挙で黒川敦彦と共に山口入りし、"安倍昭恵を取り囲もう"と SNSで呼び掛け、大音量で演説を妨害したそうだ。

If you listen to the Taro Yamamoto's talk, you can understand that this is the origin of Tsubasa no To's eccentric behavior.
In fact, during the 2017 general election, Yamamoto allegedly went to Yamaguchi with Atsuhiko Kurokawa, called for on social media that "let's surround Akie Abe," and disrupted the speechs with loud noises.
Yamamoto, who says that "You had better to answer to the questions," even doesn't realize how much destroying democracy.



> とっくに日本の民主主義は崩壊していたからだ。
> しばき隊をはじめ左翼による保守政治家への攻撃は凄まじい。
> 杉田水脈氏は「囲まれて至近距離で罵声を浴びせられ、プラカードを背後に掲げられ… 候補者の奥さんが恐怖で泣き出される中、応援演説。しかし"演説の声は聞こえていた"と選挙妨害にはならないと判断されました」と。
> 左翼が何をやっても許される時代は終わるのか。
> 問題はそこ

If the investigation of the "Tsubasa Party" puts a stop to all what the leftists want to do, it will be significant.
The reason why is that Japan's democracy collapsed long ago.
The attacks on conservative politicians by leftists, including Shibaki-tai, are frightening.
LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP) X-posted that "I was surrounded by persons who gathered at Koenji Station, I was yelled at close range and placards were held up behind me... I gave a support-speech while the candidate's wife burst into tears in fear. Despite such situation, it was judged that it didn't comprise an election-interfere because possible to hear the speech."
Will the era in which leftists are allowed to do whatever they want end?
That's the problem.
