Ref.>"自民党員3万人減 首相、獲得指示 金子組織本部長「4年ごとに起きている現象だ」/ネット「LGBT法だよ、バカなの?」"

>【公選法改正必至】杉田議員の街宣で 立憲議員がハッシュタグを拡散していたに呆れの声

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 5/17)


> 昨日は、地域子供デジタル特別委員会と安全保障委員会に出席した後、尖閣諸島の調査・開発を進める会 第6回総会において、東海大学の山田吉彦教授より、先月末に行われた尖閣諸島調査の報告を受けました。
> ドローンで撮影した山羊の生息や植生等についての映像も見せていただきました。
> 続いて、えん罪被害者のための再審法改正を早期に実現する議員連盟 総会に参加。(続く)

Yesterday, after attending the "regional child digital special committee" & "security dommittee," we were reported by Prof. Yoshihiko Yamada of Tokai University on the Senkaku Islands survey done at the end of last month at the "6th general meeting of association to proceed the Senkaku Islands research & development."
We were also shown a footage showing goat habitat, vegetation, etc., which was filmed with a drone.
After that, I participated in a "general meeting of lawmakers league to realize early revision of the retrial law for victims of false accusation." (to be continued)

> その後、憲法改正を速やかに実現する中堅・若手の会において、有志の会の皆さんと意見交換を行いました。

(to continue) In the situation that representatives of the LDP, Komei Party, the CDPJ, the SDP and Reiwa were lined up on the stage, there was a scene where the instructor from Taiwan, the director of the Taiwan Bar Association and vice LDP President Aso exchanged souvenirs.
Afterwards, we exchanged opinions with members of the volunteer association at youngsters association to swiftly realize constitutional revision correct name in English is unknown).