

>"「2024年に一人旅したい国」トップ10 1位日本、4位スリランカ、8位タイ、9位フィリピン、10位バリ島"


> Russian President arrives in Harbin on second leg of two-day state visit to China

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 5/17)


> 私たちには戦後の嘘で不当に貶められた英霊の名誉を取り戻す義務がある。
> 戦後の嘘に乗っかったままの政治家など支持するわけにはいかない。

We have a duty to restore the honor of the spirits of dead soldiers, who have been unfairly degraded by lies after the war.
We can't support politicians who are still riding on post-war lies.

> 日本が帝国主義でその正当化をしていると言うなら、日本が朝鮮を搾取していた証拠を出してもらいたい。
> 国際法違反があるなら指摘してほしい。
> ないなら、二度と言うな。

If you argue that Japan was imperialistic and attempts to justify that, I'd like you to provide evidences to prove that Japan exploited Korea.
If there were any violations of international law, please point them out.
If you can't, never say so again.



> 私は小池百合子知事について 99%批判しかしてこなったけれど、関東大震災の朝鮮人虐殺の式典に知事としては批判的な立場を貫いていることは評価している。
> 検証不十分の歴史事件としてほかの候補にそれができるなら、もちろん考える。

I have criticized Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike 99%. However, I appreciate that she has consistently taken critical stance to the ceremony for the massacre of Koreans during the Great Kanto Earthquake as a governor.
As a historical event that has not been fully verified, if another candidate can do that, then I will consider him or her as a matter of course.

>"朝鮮人虐殺の追悼文、今年も送らず 小池都知事、関東大震災の式典で"


> ロシアのプーチン大統領が5期目最初の訪問先として中国を選び、習近平主席と会談。
> 中国はロシアに対して実質的な軍事援助を続けており、ウクライナを挟んで中露関係は強まり続けている。

Russian President Vladimir Putin chosed China as his 1st destination to visit in his 5th term and held a meeting with President Xi Jinping.
China has been continuously providing military aid in practice to Russia. Sino-Russo relations has continuously been upgrading with Ukraine in between.

>"プーチン大統領 中国訪問 習近平国家主席と会談し結束を確認"