
>"世界で最も魅力的な国ランキング 日本が1位 中韓は圏外"

>"【悲報】鳥貴族、韓国アイドルとコラボ 「鳥貴族アジュナイス!」"

>"N.K leader visits newly built ruling party training school"

> Putin meets Xi in Beijing, strengthening Russia-China ties amid Western sanctions

Translation; China and Russia oppose military pressure on N. Korea = the joint statement

>"中ロ、北朝鮮への軍事圧力に反対 共同声明"

> 中国とロシアは16日に両国首脳が署名した共同声明で、米国と同盟国による北朝鮮への「軍事的脅迫」と対決姿勢をやめるよう求めた。
> 朝鮮半島問題は外交的手段による正常化が必要だと指摘。
> 北朝鮮への制裁を解除して軍事的緊張を緩和し、周辺国も加わった同半島の安全保障に関する対話再開の条件づくりをするよう呼びかけた。

In their joint statement inked by both leaders on May 16, China and Russia stated that >"The parties oppose the acts of military intimidation by the U.S. and its allies that escalate confrontation with North Korea, which may lead to armed incidents and a rise in tensions on the Korean Peninsula."
It pointed out that the Korean Peninsula issue required normalization via diplomatic means.
It called for removal of sanctions on N. Korea, easing military tensions, and creating conditions for the resumption of dialogue on the security of the peninsula, with the participation of neighboring countries.

> 中東情勢では、パレスチナ問題の公正で恒久的な解決を主張。
> パレスチナ国家樹立によるイスラエルとの「2国家共存」を目指す必要性を指摘した。
> また北極の軍事化に反対する立場でも一致したとしている。

Concerning the Middle East situation, it advocated for a fair and durable solution to the Palestinian issue.
It pointed out the necessity to aim for "two-state coexistence" with Israel through the establishment of a Palestinian state.
In addition, it explained that the two side agreed in position to oppose militalization of the arctic.