Ref.>"「マイナカードは簡単に偽造できる」 千葉の偽造工場摘発、中国籍の彭楽楽(ポンローロー)ら逮捕"


>【沖縄の声】【祝!沖縄県祖国復帰 52周年】後世に語り継ごう!祖国復帰の歴史【仲村覚】【川満しぇんしぇー】[桜R6/5/15]

Translation; The area of the SDF facilities has expanded 4.7 times since then, while taking a contingency in mind = the 52th anniversary of the Okinawa reversion

>"自衛隊施設、4.7倍に拡大 有事念頭、沖縄復帰 52年"

> 日本復帰から15日で 52年となった沖縄県で、政府は台湾有事などを念頭に防衛力を強化している。
> 米軍基地の重い負担が続く中、自衛隊施設の面積は復帰時の約 4.7倍に拡大。
> 昨年3月に陸上自衛隊駐屯地が開設された石垣島では同日、負担軽減を求める「平和行進」が行われた。

In Okinawa, where May 15th marks 52 years since Okinawa's reversion to Japan, the government has been upgrading the defense capabilities, while taking such as a contingency in Taiwan in mind.
While the heavy burden on U.S. military bases continues, the area of SDF facilities has expanded to approximately 4.7 times since the reversion.
On that day, a (* fake) "peace march" was held on Ishigaki Island, where the Japan Ground SDF garrison was established in March last year, calling for relief from the burden.

> 強い日差しが照りつける晴天となった石垣島では午後2時ごろ、約 50人が石垣市内の公園を出発。
> 毎年5月15日前後に沖縄県各地で行われる平和行進は1978年に始まり、今年で 47回目。

About 50 persons departed from a park in Ishigaki City at around 2:00 pm on Ishigaki Island, where the weather was bright and sunny.
They marched while shouting chants such as "We will create an (* not) peaceful Okinawa without bases" and "Remove the US military bases (* to making it an easy target for China)."
The (* fake) peace march, which is held in various parts of Okinawa around May 15 every year, began in 1978, and marks the 47th time this year (* Si vis pacem, para bellum).