

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/15)


> 7月7日の都知事選で自民が独自候補擁立を見送り、小池百合子都知事と連携模索との報道。
> 衆院3補選全敗で都知事選も落とせば政権運営に大打撃で "小池氏との対決は避けるべき"との判断とか。
> ここまで堕ちた自民党。
> 公選法違反の学歴詐称は "問題なし"と?
> なってはならない人材が要職を占める組織は哀れ

It's reported that the LDP won't field its own candidate in the July 7 Tokyo gubernatorial election, while seeking cooperation with Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike.
In addition to losing all three LH by-elections, losing the Tokyo gubernatorial election would be a major blow to the administrative operation. For that reason, it allegedly judges that a confrontation with Gov. Koike should be avoided.
The LDP, which has fallen to such degree!?
Does it judge that there is no problem with falsifying educational background, which is a violation of the Public Offices Election Act!?
The organization, whose key positions are filled by persons who should not be, is pitiful.



> 今日は沖縄復帰記念日。
> 52年前の1972年5月15日に沖縄が祖国復帰を果たした。
> 記念式典で当時の佐藤栄作首相が涙した事に仰天した記憶がある。
> あれから長い歳月が経ち、首相の涙のわけが次第に分ってきた。
> 一発の弾丸も撃つ事なく帰ってきた事がいかに稀有だったか。
> マスコミが政府の足を引っ張り続けるのは昔も今も変わらない

Today is the commemorative day of Okinawa reversion.
52 years ago, on May 15, 1972, Okinawa returned to the homeland.
I remember to have been very astonished to see then PM Eisaku Sato in tears at the commemorative ceremony.
Many years have passed since then, the reason for the prime minister's tears has gradually become clearer for me.
How rare it was that it returned without firing even a single bullet.
There are no changes in the past and nowadays that the mass media continuously drags the government down.
