
>"【動画】「つばさの党」事務所などを警視庁が家宅捜索 衆院東京15区補欠選挙で政治団体への公選法自由妨害の疑い"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 5/13)


> プーチン大統領が国防相をショイグ氏から経済通のベロウソフ元第1副首相に交代させる人事案を議会上院に提示。
> ウクライナ戦争もいよいよ大詰めか。

President Vladimir Putin presents a personnel proposal to the Federation Council (* Upper House) to replace Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu with economic expert Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov.
Is the war in Ukraine finally coming to an end?

>"ロシア ショイグ国防相は交代し安全保障会議書記に 後任の国防相は経済通"


> つばさの会の選挙違反疑惑で家宅捜査を受けたのが、代表の自宅ではなくそれなりの事務所だった。
> 相応の資金力があるということだろうが、YouTubeだけでは無理だろう。
> どうやって集めているのだろう。

"Tsubasa no To" (* Tsubasa Party) was raided on suspicion of the Public Office Election Law, and it was not the representative's home, but a proper office.
It probably means that it has considerable financial power, which is impossible by YouTube alone.
I wonder how they raise it.

>'Obstruction of Election Campaigns: Don't Misunderstand Freedom of Speech'


> 政治団体「つばさの党」の代表らが選挙活動を妨害した疑いがあるとして、警視庁が事務所など関係先へ家宅捜索。
The Metropolitan Police Department raided its related locations including the office on suspicion that the representative of the political organization "Tsubasa no To" (* Tsubasa Party) interfered with election campaigns.

>'【速報】「つばさの党」の関係先に警視庁が家宅捜索… 衆議院東京15区の補欠選挙で "選挙妨害"か'


> 国会会期中に完全なバカンス海外旅行してもいいんだっけ?
Is it acceptable to go on a complete vacation travel abroad during the ordinary Diet session?



> バンデン大統領が金正恩を「韓国大統領」と呼ぶミス。
U.S. President Joe Biden erroneously called N. Korean leader Kim Jong-un as President of S. Korea.

>"Biden calls North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un president of South Korea in latest world leader blunder"


㊗️🎊It has finally been reported that Panpaka_koumuten's parody post was criminally prosecuted by the CDPJ, but the case was not prosecuted.


>"立憲民主党が「脱糞民主党」の誹謗中傷に刑事告訴も不起訴処分 公党の民間人訴えに物議"

