

>"元朝日新聞記者「昨夜は酷い目にあった。連れの男2人がエキサイトし始め「しつけえんだよ!」「うるせえんだよ!」などと怒鳴りながら乱暴… 1週間の怪我と診断書 」"

> 安倍元首相の遺志継ぎ、高市氏が勝負 「セキュリティー・クリアランス」法制化へ

Translation of X (* tweet) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/12)


> 高市早苗さんと歩む高知大会も盛り上がった。
> あいにくの暴風の日となったが、駆けつけてくれた立錐の余地のない人々に感激。
> セキュリティクリアランス成立秘話を始め高市氏の話に聴き入る人々。
> 高知で抜群の人気の尾崎正直議員(前知事)も駆けつけ、高市さんを讃えてくれた。
> 日本を憂う人々の願いは共通

The "Walk with Sanae Takaichi in Kochi" rally was also a great success.
Unfortunately, it was a windy day, but I was deeply moved by the persons who rushed to the fully crowded venue.
Persons were attentively listening to Takaichi's talks, including the secret story in enactment of the security clearance law.
LH lawmaker Masanao Ozaki (LDP, former Gov.), who is extremely popular in Kochi, also rushed to the venue and praised Takaichi.
The wish of persons, who are worried about Japan, is common.
