
>"福島みずほ議員、鹿児島を「籠 島」北九州市を「北球種市」とポスト"


> いい加減にしろ!しれっと進む「ステルス増税」【WiLL Biz】

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 5/12)


> 事務所の体制も変わり、心機一転、新しいスタートとなった先週。
> GW明けということで、本会議、委員会の他に部会や勉強会も多く開催されました。
> GW中の政務三役の外遊や国内視察については、こういった場で共有され、我々の質疑等にもしっかり答えていただけます。

Last week, system of my office was changed, we therefore made a fresh & new start
Since the Golden Week was over, in addition to a "Diet ordinary session" and "committee" meetings, many LDP division meetings and workshops were held too.
When it comes to the overseas trips and domestic visits for inspections by the three political officials during Golden Week, it's shared in such occasions, and it's evem possible to be answered our questions properly.
(to be continued)

> 部会での内容をここに書くことはできませんが、その対応について、私を含め、出席した議員から厳しい指摘があり、今後、どう活かさせるかを注視していきます。

(to continue) Btw, at a meeting of the National Defense Division, we were explained the footage filming "JS Izumo" (DDH-183) from sky using a drone.
Even though it's impossible to write the contents of the division meeting in this posting, concerning the handling of the case, strict pointing outs were done by atended lawmakers including me. I will pay close attention to how it will be used from now on.