Ref.>"Abducted – Four Stories, Four Lives, Episode 1: Just a Schoolgirl Taken by Martians"

>"North Korean Abductions: Victims' Families Urgent Appeal in Meeting with UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield"

> 2024.05.11_全拉致被害者の即時一括帰国を求める国民大集会

Translation of X (* tweet) by Minato Ward councilor Kana Shindo (Ind., aka Princess Yuzuka, on '24. 5/11)


> 拉致被害者の即時一括帰国を求める国民大集会へ。
> 時間的制限のある拉致問題。
> 拉致被害者の方の親の世代が存命のうちになんとか帰国を実現させて欲しいと思います。
> 北朝鮮による拉致被害を風化させてはなりません。
> 国民の怒りを表すことで、政府の認定非認定に関わらず即時一括帰国を。
> 特定失踪者の方の中には、失踪当時区役所職員だった方もいます。
> 港区においても更なる取り組みを進めるよう、前回の議会で進言しております。
> 日本国民として拉致に関して怒りの声をあげましょう!

I participated in a "national rally calling for the immediate return of all abductees en masse" (correct name in English is unknown).
The abduction issue has a time limit.
I hope that return to Japan will somehow be able to realize while abductees' parents are still alive.
The damage caused by abductions by N. Korea must not be forgotten.
By expressing the anger of the nationals, immediate repatriation en masse should be realized, regardless of whether the government recognizes or not.
Some of the identified missing persons were employees of the ward office(s) at the time of the disappearance.
At the last ward council session, I recommended that Minato Ward would take further measures.
As Japanese nationals, let's voice our anger over the abduction!

>"Abductee families renew call for Japan, North Korea to resolve issue"