


>"【婚姻平等法案】櫻井よしこ氏「立憲民主党がとんでもない民法改正法案を提出しました… こんな日本を誰が望んでいるでしょうか」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/11)


> 立憲提出の婚姻平等法案。
> 性の区別をなくし、父も母も親1、親2とする民法改正法案。
> "家族の在り方が崩壊しバラバラの個人の集合体のような国になりかねません。こんな日本を誰が望んでいるでしょうか"と櫻井よしこ氏。
> 国政選6連勝の自民をあっという間に崩壊させた岸田首相。

Marriage equality bill submitted by the CDPJ.
A bill to amend the Civil Code to eliminate gender distinction and make father & mother "parent 1" & "parent 2" respectively.
Yoshiko Sakurai said that "The family system will possibly collapse and the country will become an assembly of dismembered individuals. Who does want Japan to become such country?".
PM Kishida instantly collapsed the LDP, which won six consecutive national elections.
"Three years and three months of nightmare" revival is terrifying.



> 国民のコンセンサスがないまま "移民大国化"に舵を切った岸田首相。
> 正義のミカタで移民がいかに日本の国力を奪うかを取り上げた。
> 賃金が上がらず、治安は悪化し、将来の社会保障の莫大な負担になる。
> 日本崩壊を止めたい

PM Kishida, who has steered the country toward becoming an "immigration powerhouse" without a consensus among the nationals.
In a program of "Seigi no Mikata," we discussed how immigrants deprive Japan's national power.
Wages won't rise, security will deteriorate, and social security in the future will become a huge burden.
Yoichi Takahashi argued that "It's only companies that will be delighted by the increase in foreign workers, as they can secure cheap workers."
I want to stop Japan from collapsing.




> 大分の "高市早苗さんと歩む会"も大盛況。
> 会場を埋め尽くした人々がいかに中国とも対峙でき、日本を守る事ができる高市さんに期待しているか痛感。
> 高市さんが「32歳の初当選の時から "憲法改正を果たす為に議員になりました"と言い続けてきました」と振り返ると万雷の拍手…
> 大分でも保守・現実派の応援は熱かった

The "Walk with Sanae Takaichi" event in Oita was a great success too.
I really realized how much the persons who filled the venue had high expectation for LH lawmaker Takaichi (LDP), who can confront with even China and defend Japan.
When Takaich looked back and said that 'Ever since I was first elected at the age of 32, I has said that "I became a national lawmaker to accomplish constitutional revise" continuously,' thunderous applause occurred...
Even in Oita, support from conservatives and pragmatists was enthusiastic.