
>"ソウルで売春関与の日本人女性3人を逮捕 「観光目的」偽り"

>"【東京】女子中学生にわいせつ容疑 韓国籍留学生(23)逮捕 背後から胸触る"

>"【韓国】日本は「我々をライバル視しない雰囲気」 劣勢の球技状況に韓国メディアが嘆き節"

>「56回 定期中央大会 新3機関長 改選」

Translation of X (* tweet) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 5/11)


> 民団新団長に金利中氏
> 過去の民団は反共の姿勢が強かった。
> しかし金大中時代から総連系の人が転向、参加し今はトップの座に。
> 新団長は北朝鮮を批判できるだろうか🤔
> 麻布の韓国領事館は民団の建物に入っているが、行くたびに違和感を覚える🙄

Kim Yi-joong is the new general manager of Korean Residents Union in Japan (aka MINDAN).
"He graduated from a Korean school. This is the 1st time that a Korean School graduate is appointed as the leader of the Mindan Central Headquarters."
MINDAN in the past had a strong anti-communist stance.
However, from the Kim Dae-jung period, persons who were connected to Chongryon (* aka General Association of Korean Residents in Japna) began to "convert" & "participate" in it. And even in nowadays, the new general manager is one of them.
Will the new general manager be able to criticize N. Korea?
The Korean Consulate in Azabu is housed in a Mindan building, and I feel uncomfortable every time I go there🙄