
>"【KPOP】あの 24人グループ「トリプルス」がついに日本デビューへ"

>"韓国教授「真珠湾空襲を想起せよ」 米海軍の旭日旗掲載に抗議メール"

>"韓国政府の財政が悪化。国税収入 2.2兆ショート。早くも財政赤字 75兆"


> South Korean president talks to opposition about cooperation after his party was routed in election

Translation; "Lee Jae-myung is suitable person to the next President" = one out of three nationals think so = S. Korea

>"国民の3人に1人「次期大統領は李在明」= 韓国"

>「韓国民の3人に1人は、次期大統領に最大野党 "共に民主党"のイ・ジェミョン(李在明)代表がふさわしいと考えている」という調査結果が伝えられた。
> 韓国の世論調査機関 "世論調査公正"が有権者1003人を対象に今月6~7日、"保守・革新陣営のうち、次期大統領候補として最も好感の持てる人物は誰か"という調査を実施した結果、最も多かった回答は 37.3%の「イ代表」であった。

A public opinion survey result was reported that "One out of three S. Koreans think that Lee Jae-myung, leader of the "Democratic Party of Korea," the largest opposition party, is suitable to be the next president."
A public opinion survey institute in S. Korean "public opinion survey fairness" (correct name in English is unknonw), conducted a survey targeting 1,003 eligible voters on May 6 and 7, questioning "To which candidate among conservatives and progressives do you have the most favorable impression as the next presidential candidate?. As a result, the largest answer was "representative Lee."

> つづいて、与党 "国民の力"のハン・ドンフン(韓東勲)前非常対策委員長(7.7%)、オ・セフン(呉世勲)ソウル市長(5.3%)、ホン・ジュンピョ(洪準杓)テグ(大邱)市長(4.7%)、イ・ジュンソク(李俊錫)"改革新党"代表(4.2%)などの順であった。
He was following by former chairperson of the emergency leadership committee of the ruling PPP "Han Dong-hoon" (7.7%), Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon (5.3%), Daegu City Mayor Hong Joon-pyo (4.7%) and leader of the "New Reform Party" Lee Jun-seok, etc.