
>"【動画】松原議員、竹島に不法上陸した韓国国会議員を入国拒否ブラックリストに載せるよう要求 → 外務省官僚「お答えを差し控える」、上川外相「検討」"

>"セキュリティークリアランス制度創設への法案 参院内閣委可決。10日にも成立へ ⇒ ネット「可決 キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!」「高市さん、やったね」「日本企業の国際的信用度&競争力も upする」"

>【成立】「セキュリティー・クリアランス法」 機密情報扱う人の信頼性、国が事前確認

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/10)


> 岸田首相に "倫理"を求めるなど無駄だが、高橋洋一氏による "国籍別外国人労働者数"の推移を表わしたグラフでインドネシアからの労働者流入の突出ぶりには流石に唖然。
> 周知のように岸田首相の実弟・武雄氏はインドネシア人の日本就労を支援する会社を経営。
> だが安倍氏と違い、岸田氏は批判もされない

Even though it's useless to require PM Kishida for "ethics," I'm astounded by the prominence of the influx of workers from Indonesia in the graph by Yoichi Takahashi showing the trends in the number of foreign workers by nationality.
As is well known, PM Kishida's true younger brother Takeo runs a company that supports job-hunting of Indonesians in Japan.
However, unlike former PM Abe, Kishida is not even criticized.




> 日本の独自文化を多様性という言葉で放逐し、"私はいい事をしているのよ"と自己陶酔する日本人。
> やがて多文化共生社会とやらでイスラム文化尊重の為に "豚肉を食べるのはやめよう"となるのは時間の問題、と飯山あかり氏。
> 自壊する日本

Japanese persons, who dismiss Japan's original cultures by using the word of "diversity," and are self-absorb by thinking that "I'm doing a good thing."
Akari Iiyama argued that 'Eventually, due to so called multicultural society, it's only a matter of time that persons will start to say "stop eating pork" out of respect for Islamic culture.'
Akari Iiyama X-posted that "It will spread from school lunches and company cafeterias to the restaurant industry, and persons who eat pork will be denounced as racists who are without consideration for Muslims."
Japan is self-destructing.



> 松原仁氏が竹島不法上陸の韓国国会議員を "入国拒否ブラックリスト"に載せるよう要求。
> しかし上川陽子外相ではなく外務官僚が「お答えを差し控える」と。
> 怒った松原氏は再度外相を追及。
> 上川氏は毎度の "ペーパー棒読み"のあと「何ができるか検討します…」と。
> これが日本の外務大臣。
> だから舐められる

LH lawmaker Jin Matsubara demanded that S. Korean national lawmakers who illegally landed on Takeshima be listed on the "blacklist for refusing entry."
However, an bureaucrat of Foreign Ministry, not FM Yoko Kamikawa, answered that "We will refrain from giving an answer."
Raged Matsubara once again grilled the foreign minister.
After usual "monotone paper reading," FM Kamikawa said that "We'll consider what's possible..."
This is Japan's foreign minister.
That's the reason why we are licked.



> 河野太郎氏が中国国家電網 "ロゴ"事件で調査の現状を記者に問われ「私は調査に携わっていない。内閣府か何かに聞いて頂きたい」と。
> は?
> 4月2日に「元構成員並びに自然エネルギー財団について海外から不当な影響力を行使されうる可能性があったかどうか、しっかり調査したい」と約束し、国会でも「しっかり調査を進めている」と答弁した筈。
>"所管外"の次は "虚偽"発言?
> この御仁、大丈夫か

Concerning the case of "logo" of the State Grid Corporation of China, LH lawmaker Taro Kono (LDP) was questioned by a reporter the actual state of the investigation ans replied that "I don't have a hand in the investigation. Therefore please questions to the Cabinet Office or so."
On April 2, he surely promised that "I would like to conduct a thorough investigation into whether or not it was possible that undue influence could be exercised from abroad regarding the former member (* Mika Obayashi) and Renewable Energy Institute" and replied "I have been progressing the investigation properly."
Next t othe "out of jurisdiction," "fake" remarks!?
Does he have any troubles!?

>"河野太郎担当相、中国企業ロゴ問題「私は調査に携わってない」 以前は「しっかり調査」"


> 10日の参院本会議で成立へ。
> やっと欧米並み資格審査でスパイ防止ばかりか日本企業の国際的信用度&競争力も upする。
> これを実現する為に1年半に亘り我慢と譲歩を強いられた高市早苗氏。
> ご苦労様でした

A bill introducing a "security clearance system" was passed by the UH Cabinet Committee.
It's forecasted to be enacted at a UH regular session on the 10th.
Finally, due to security clearance system on par with Western countries, not only anti-espionage operations is possible, but also improve the international credibility and competitiveness of Japanese companies.
Economic Security Minister Sanae Takaichi, who was forced to endure and compromise for a year and a half in order to make this be realized.
Thank you for your hard work.

>"セキュリティークリアランス法案が参院内閣委で可決 10日成立へ"