
>"韓国紙「用済みになって日本に捨てられる Naver」"

>"「台湾有事はすなわち日本有事、日本有事はすなわち台湾有事」「生死を共にする運命共同体となっている」 頼次期総統が日華懇総会にビデオメッセージ ⇒ネットの反応「助け合うしか無かろうよ」"

>"レモンド米商務長官、中国の台湾侵攻で警告「中国が台湾 TSMCを手に入れれば、米経済は絶対に壊滅的になるだろう」⇒ ネットの反応「つまり台湾へ軍事侵攻するとアメリカとの直接戦争になるってことだな」「サムスン眼中になし ww」"


> 'What Happens If China Invades Taiwan?' : Jake Ellzey Presses Raimondo On Potential Commerce Threats

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 5/10)


> この半年後に三木武夫の孫を擁立。
Six months after that, it has fixed to field Takeo Miki's grandson.



> LINEヤフーがネイバーに持ち株の売却を正式に要求。
> LINEはなんとかなりそう。

LINE Yahoo formally requests Naver to sell its stake.
Shin Jung-ho, the "father of LINE," will step down as an intra-company director, and the entire board of directors will be Japanese.
It seems that LINE will be handled properly.

>"「LINEの父」シン・ジュンホ代表取締役も退任… ネイバー排除に乗り出した日本"


> 韓国が深刻な少子高齢化の危機に、移民の積極受け入れに舵か。
> 思い切ったな。

Will S. Korea turn to actively accepting immigrants in response to the serious crisis of a declining birthrate and aging population?
That's drastic.

>"韓国は「移民国家」に向かうのか 人口減少対策で検討に本腰"


> 疑惑の玉ねぎ男の曺国元法相、約1億円を受け取った韓明淑(ハン・ミョンスク)元首相、慰安婦被害者の金を横領した尹美香議員などに対して、韓国司法が判決を遅らせるなど手心を加えて選挙に協力した疑い。
It's suspected that the S. Korean judiciary took measures such as delaying the verdict and cooperating with the election for former Justice Minister "Cho Kuk," the suspected onion man, "Han Myeong-suk," former prime minister who received approx. \100 million, "Rep. Yoon Mi-hyang," who embezzled money from comfort women victims, etc.



> ハンガリーが再び一帯一路を積極受け入れで、中国がハンガリーとの連携強化に成功。
> 対中包囲網に動く EUにクサビを打つのに成功。
> まあそうなるよね。

Hungary once again actively embraced "the One Belt, One Road initiative," and China succeeded in upgrade its cooperation with Hungary.
It has succeeded in driving a wedge into E.U.'s move to encircle China.
Well, it's as a matter of course result.

>"中国、ハンガリーと連携強化 EUの対中強硬論けん制"


> 中国が台湾に侵攻して TSMCを掌握すれば、アメリカ経済にとって壊滅的だとレモンド米商務長官が下院公聴会で証言。
> いや、アメリカ経済だけではない。
> その影響で、やがて中国がアメリカに代わる覇権国家になり、中国共産党の価値観が世界に拡大。
> AIがすぐ「習近平先生によると」なんて言い出すと思う。

At a hearing held by the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and Science, Secretary of Commerce Gina Marie Raimondo testified that >'a Chinese invasion of Taiwan and seizure of chips producer TSMC would be "absolutely devastating" to the American economy.'
It's not true, it's not a problem of American economy alone.
Due to its impact, China will eventually become a hegemonic power replacing the U.S., and the values of the Chinese Communist Party will spread throughout the world.
I think that an AI will soon start to say something like "according to Mr. Xi Jinping."