
>"【韓国】少子化対策省を設置へ 大統領「国家非常事態」"




> US Confronts Russia Over Alleged Secret Fuel Shipments to North Korea | TN World | Times World

Translation; "N. Korea is a promising partner," Russia expressed so = "We hope for the development of relations in all possible areas"


> ロシアは8日(現地時間)「北朝鮮と可能なあらゆる分野で、関係を一層発展させようと思う」と明らかにした。
> クレムリン(ロシア大統領府)の報道官はこの日の会見で「われわれは北朝鮮との関係を大切に思っており、彼らと可能なあらゆる分野で一層関係を発展させようと思う」と語った。

On May 8 (local time), Russia revealed that "We intend to further develop relations with N. Korea in all possible areas."
At a press conference on that day, a Kremlin spokesperson said that "We value our relations with North Korea and intend to further develop our relationship with them in all possible areas."

> つづけて、北朝鮮に対し「われわれの素晴らしく非常に有望なパートナーだ」と評価した。
> 報道官は、"ロシアは国連安全保障理事会決議を違反し、北朝鮮への石油供給を増やした"という報道に関する質問に対し、先のように答えた。

He or she went on appreciate North Korea that "our wonderful and very promising partner."
In response to a question about a report that ``Russia has increased oil supplies to N. Korea in violation of the U.N. Security Counci. resolutions, the spokesperson answered aforementionedly.