

>"歌舞伎町タワーの『ジェンダーレストイレ』終了 男女別々に わたなべ友貴・杉並区議会議員「活動家の戯言に付き合うと、金をドブに捨て、かつ、世間に大恥を晒すといういい例になりました。企業の皆様、ご注意ください」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 5/9)


> 歌舞伎町タワーのジェンダーレストイレが終了。
> 誰も得をしなかった。

The genderless toilet at Kabukicho Tower was over.
No one benefited.



> 国賓待遇なのに出迎えが貧相なのはアメリカ側の問題であって、なんで岸田首相を馬鹿にするのに使うわけ? 
> あと、習近平氏は中国トップなんだから国賓待遇でなく、国賓になる。

The poor reception despite being treated as a state guest is a problem on the U.S. side. Nevertheless, why do you (LH lawmaker Haraguchi (CDPJ)) use it to ridicule PM Kishida?
In addition, Xi Jinping is the top leader in China. Therefore, instead of receiving "state guest treatment," he is a "state guest."



> 立憲民主党・泉健太代表
> 共産党との連立政権でなく?

CDPJ leader Kenta Izumi stated that "We aim to realize the CDPJ alone and stable administration as much as possible."
It's a coalition administration with the Japanese Communist Party, isn't it!?

>"立民・泉代表「単独政権めざす」 次期衆院選巡り"


> 世襲批判の立憲民主党の泉代表が、舌の根も乾かぬうちに、徳島1区で三木武夫元首相の孫を擁立。
CDPJ leader Kenta Izumi, who criticizes heredit, no sooner were the words out of his mouth, fields a groundson of former PM Takeo Miki in the Tokushima Constituency 1st.

>"次期衆院選・徳島1区 立憲公認候補の高橋永氏が出馬会見"