Ref.>"Senkaku Islands Survey: Tensions in the Surrounding Waters"

>'Germany-Japan, Pistorius: "First joint ground exercises next year"'

>"Germany sends two warships to Indo-Pacific amid China and Taiwan tensions"

> Why Germany is increasing its military presence in the Indo-Pacific region | DW News

Translation; They will make a port call in Tokyo in August = German naval vessels are dispatched to the Indo-Pacific region aiming deterrence against China

>"ドイツの軍艦、インド太平洋へ 8月に東京寄港、対中抑止が狙い"

> ドイツ海軍のフリゲート艦と補給艦が7日、同国北部ウィルヘルムスハーフェンなどからインド太平洋地域に向け出港した。
> 東・南シナ海などで現状変更の試みを続ける中国をにらみ、地域への関与を進める戦略の一環。
> 8月後半に東京に寄港する見通し。

On May 7, German navy's frigate and supply ship departed from Wilhelmshaven in northern Germany and other locations for the Indo-Pacific region.
This is part of the strategy to advance its involvement in the region in light of China's continuous attempts to change the status quo in the East and South China Seas, etc.
It's forecasted that they will make a port call in Tokyo in the later half of August.

> ピストリウス国防相は出港に際し「インド太平洋地域との連携を深め、信頼できる存在としての地位を強固なものにしたい」と述べた。
> フリゲート艦、補給艦は大西洋を通り、太平洋に入る。
> 米海軍主催の環太平洋合同演習や海上自衛隊を含む多国間訓練に参加。
> 南シナ海を通る予定で、台湾海峡を通過するかどうかは明らかにしていない。

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said at the departure from the port that "We want to deepen our ties with the Indo-Pacific region and fix our position as a reliable entity."
The frigate and supply ship will pass through the Atlantic Ocean and enter the Pacific Ocean.
They will participate in the Rim-Pacific joint exercise hosted by the U.S. Navy and multilateral trainings including the Japan Maritime SDF.
They are scheduled to pass through the South China Sea, and it has yet been released whether or not they will pass through the Taiwan Strait.