
>"岸田首相、政策活動費の使途公開検討を指示 自民党の政治刷新本部に"

>"ひろゆき氏「デモやストライキは為政者を困らせないと意味がない。道楽なら OK」"

>"「報道の自由度」日本は昨年の 68位から 70位に後退 「記者クラブ制度は外国人ジャーナリストらへの差別」⇒ ネットの反応「報道の自由を自ら縛ってる日本マスコミw」「財務省批判は死んでもやらない日本のマスコミw」「『報道しない自由』度なら世界一だぞ?」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/6)


> GWも本日で終了。
> これだけ警鐘鳴らしても通じないのだろうか

Today is the final day of the GW.
Kotoe Hashimoto X-posted that "Persons, who are shopping on holidays. Peaceful and clean public spaces, where children are neither killed nor raped. Peaceful and happy society, where no one screams or destroys something. However, if we remain silent, we will lose this happiness because of an immigrant society. We must protect this treasured sight."
No matter how much we ring an alarm bell, can't you understand?



> GWが終わり明日からセキュリティクリアランスの参院の攻防再開。
> 明日7日参院内閣委では参考人質疑。
> もしスパイでないならどこが都合が悪い?
> 日本を守る為に協力を

The Golden Week will be over, and the debate regarding the security clearance bill will resume in the Upper House from tomorrow.
Tomorrow, on May 7, an unsworn witness Q&A session will be held at the UH Cabinet Committee.
UH lawmaker Mizuho Fukushima (SDP) X-posted that "It will expand the (* Specified) Secret Protection Act to the economy and conduct background checks on civilians and researchers under the direction of the Prime Minister. Sexual behaviors will also be investigated. Let's scrap this bill!"
If she isn't a spy, what's the problem!?
Thank you in advance for your cooperation in defending Japan.



> 警察トップが「私が責任を負う。摘発せよ」と言えば終る話。
> 保身しか頭にないエリート官僚が民主主義破壊の元凶

Mina Jonouchi X-posted that "Relentless election interference against candidates with loud noises. Loud protests by storming the homes and/or workplaces of candidates and related parties... These are the methods of "yakuza gangs," "soukaiya" (* professional trouble‐maker at shareholders meetings) and far-left labor unions such as "kansei soft concrete." It's a defeat of democracy that the police, district attorney and judiciary let them go unchecked."
All what necessary is for the top police officer to say that "I will take the responsibility. Let's therefore expose him."
Elite bureaucrats, who only care about self-preservation, are the root cause of the destruction of democracy.



> 古舘伊知郎氏がそこまで言って委員会で「民主党政権時代に大臣クラスから "あのキャスター黙らせろ"とか "すぐ謝罪しないと困る"とかクレームがきた。しかし第2次安倍政権からは全然、直で来なかった」と。
> だが報道の自由度ランクでは民主党政権で世界11位に上昇し、今は70位。
> 国境なき記者団の"偏向"日本メンバーの氏名と所属をまず明らかにしなさい

In a program of "Sokomade Itte Iinkai," Ichiro Furutachi said that "During the Democratic Party of Japan administration period, we were complained from minister class persons such as that "You must make that newscaster shut up" & "If you don't apologize right away, it will be problematized." However, after th 2nd Abe administration too office, we were nor complained directly."
However, in terms of press freedom ranking, it rose to 11th place in the world during the DPJ administration, and is now 70th.
Names and affiliations of "biased" Japanese members of "Reporters Without Borders" (RWB), should be revealed at first.
