Ref.>"慰安婦象徴の少女像に相次ぐ「災難」 警察が警備強化=韓国・釜山"

>"解散した慰安婦財団の残金処理できず 韓国政府は5年以上「議論中」"

>"日韓米合同「2024 慰安婦問題を巡る国際シンポジウム in 東京」開催決定!(7月10日 星陵会館)"

>"朝日慰安婦報道「吉田証言」虚偽検証、英文記事にグーグル検索回避の仕組みが… 「設定解除に漏れ」主張もケント氏「過ち」隠蔽行為"

> 慰安婦の人権を踏みにじったのは正義連

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; So sinful reportings on CW issue -- not based on historical facts reporting have deteriorated Japan-S. Korea relations = Hiroyuki Kawase, vice chief of the editorial board

>"かくも罪深き慰安婦報道 史実に基づかぬ報道で日韓関係悪化 論説副委員長・川瀬弘至"

> 韓国は、法治国家ならぬ情治国家だといわれる。
> 国民感情の高ぶりに、しばしば司法判断まで左右されるからである。
> 反日が絡むと余計に始末が悪い。
> 2013年出版の『帝国の慰安婦』を巡る裁判がその一例だろう。
> 慰安婦問題で「日本軍による強制連行」を強調するのは実態と異なると論じた学術書だが、元慰安婦らへの名誉毀損にあたるとして著者が刑事告訴され、在宅起訴された。

S. Korea is said to be not a country ruled by law, but a country ruled by sentiments.
The reason why is that even judicial decisions are often influenced by rising public sentiment.
When anti-Japan is involved, things get even worse.
One such example is the lawsuit over [Comfort Women of the Empire] book published in 2013.
This is an academic book asserting that emphasizing "forceful taking away by the Japanese forces" in comfort women issue is different from the reality. Nevertheles, the author was criminally charged for defaming former CW and she was indicted without arrest.

> 1審は無罪だった。
> その後に文在寅政権が誕生して反日世論が高まると、2審は逆転有罪となる。
> 文政権は、慰安婦問題で「不可逆的解決」をうたった日韓合意も事実上破棄した。
> なるほど情治である。
> だが、慰安婦問題をめぐる混乱の責任は、日本側にもある。
> 発端は朝日新聞などが昭和 57年以降に報じた、韓国・済州島で戦時中に朝鮮人女性を軍命令で「狩り出した」とする吉田清治氏の虚言だ。
> この虚言が「証言」に祭り上げられ、事実無根の強制連行説が広まった。

In the first trial, she was found not guilty.
Later, when the Moon Jae-in administration took office and anti-Japan public feelings rose, the 1st trial sentence was upturned and she was ruled guilty in the appeal trial.
The Moon administration even practically scrapped the Japan-S. Korea CW agreement which declared "irreversible settlement" of CW issue.
I see, it's ruled by sentiments country. However, the Japan side is also responsible for the confusion surrounding CW issue.
The starting point was a false statement by Seiji Yoshida, which Asahi Shimbun and other newspapers reported on since 1982, claiming that he "hunted" (S)Korean females on Jeju Island in S. Korea under a military order during the war.
This false statement was promoted as "testimony," and the groundless theory of forceful taking away has spread.

> もっとも日韓関係が急速に悪化するのは平成4年1月、宮沢喜一首相(当時)が訪韓した時からである。
> これも朝日の記事がきっかけだった。
> 訪韓直前、日本軍が慰安所設置などに関与したことを示す資料が見つかったと、1面トップで報じたのだ。
> 強制連行とは無関係の資料だったが、朝日は「謝罪して補償すべきだ」と主張した。
> この記事を韓国メディアがこぞって取り上げ、「日帝の蛮行」などと書き立てた。
> たちまち反日デモが巻き起こる中、訪韓した宮沢首相は首脳会談などで何度も謝罪し、翌年には悪名高き河野談話(「心からお詫びと反省」を表明した河野洋平官房長官談話)が発表された。

However, it was after visit to S. Korea by (then) PM Kiichi Miyazawa in January 1992, when Japan-S. Korea relations deteriorateed rapidly.
This was also triggered by an article by The Asahi Shimbun.
Just before his visit to S. Korea, it reported on its front page that a document was found showing that Japanese forces had a hand in establishing CW stations.
Even though it was a material having nothing to do with the forceful taking away. The Asahi Shimbun asserted that "(Japan) should apologize and compensate."
This article was picked up by mass media in S. Korea en masse, they rushingly wrote that "Japanese imperialist brutal act," etc.
In the situation that anti-Japan rallies were promptly carried out immediately, PM Miyazawa, who was visiting S. Korea apologized many times at the summit meeting, etc. In the next year, the infamous Kono Statement (a statement by CCS Yohei Kono expressing "sincere apology and remorse") was released.

> 韓国ではそれまで、慰安婦といえば朝鮮戦争などで韓国軍や米軍の相手をさせられた女性たちのことだった。
> しかし宮沢首相の訪韓後は日本軍相手の女性たちを示すようになる。
> 朝日は 26年、吉田証言を虚偽と認めて謝罪し、証言に関する16本の記事を取り消した。
> これらの記事が最初からなければ、日韓関係はだいぶ違ったものだっただろう。

In S. Korea up to that time, comfort women meant the females who were forced to work with S. Korean and U.S. forces during the Korean War, etc.
However, after PM Miyazawa's visit to S. Korea, it became to mean the females working with the Japanese forces.
In 2014, The Asahi Shimbun acknowledged that the Yoshida-testimonies were fake and apologized, and retracted 16 articles related with his testimonies.
If these articles hadn't existed from the beginning, Japan-S. Korea relations would've been different considerably.

> 昨年10月、韓国最高裁は『帝国の慰安婦』の有罪判決を破棄してソウル高裁に差し戻し、同高裁が今年4月、ようやく無罪判決を言い渡した。
> 史実に基づかぬ報道で、日韓関係を悪化させてはならない。

In last October, the Supreme Court of Korea overturned the guilty-verdict about [Comfort Women of the Empire] and sent the case back to the Seoul High Court, and the High Court finally handed down the sentence to have acquitted her in last April.
Japan-S. Korea relations must not be worsened by not based on historical facts reportings.