Ref.>"沖縄県への代執行を他県知事が軒並みスルー、味方してくれると思っていた 沖縄マスコミは…"


>"津波に伴う 沖縄住民の避難のため米軍基地がゲートを解放、だが 沖縄の主要メディアは驚くべき対応を…"

> 南西諸島の無人島が自衛隊基地に 馬毛島基地(仮)着工1年 巨額防衛費と人口減に悩む自治体~苦肉の策で防衛施設誘致も 朝の通学路~見守りボランティアは迷彩服!?【テレメンタリー】

↓(See detail of this article)、八重山日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Yaeyama Nippo)

Translation; [Gold wave silver wave]. I'm cutting back on food expenses. Even a few hundred yen a day can save around \10,000 a month.


> 食費は削っている。
> 1日数百円でも1カ月では1万円ほど浮き、生活はだいぶ楽になる。
> そんな庶民の目から見ると「理解できない」と率直に思う。
> 防衛省が進めている空港・港湾の機能強化に対する反発の声だ

I'm cutting back on food expenses.
Even a few hundred yen a day can save around \10,000 a month, which makes life be easier considerably.
From the eyes of such an ordinary citizen, I honestly think that "I can't understand that."
I means the voice of opposition to the Ministry of Defense's efforts to upgrade the functions of "airports" and "ports."

> 空港の滑走路延長やエプロン拡張が実現すれば、平時には大型機の就航も可能になり、住民や観光客の利便性が向上する。
> 多額の予算が必要なため、これまで実現しなかったが、国主導でやってくれるなら住民には千載一遇のチャンスだ

* It is a system called "Special use airports & ports," with which the central government wants to develop the facility so that the SDF can use them smoothly even during peacetime.
If airports' runway-extensions and apron-expansions are realized, it will be possible to operate larger aircraft during peacetime, therefore convenience for residents and tourists will be improved.
It's hitherto not realized because it requires a large budget. However, if the central government takes the initiative to do that, it will be a once-in-a-lifetime chance for residents.

> 国防のことはよく分からぬ。
> だがインフラが整備されれば、島は潤う

* Persons opposing that are worried that "Airports will be turned into military bases, therefore become targets for attacks in a contingency."
I don't know much about national defense.
However, if the infrastructure is developed, the islands will be enriched.

> 特定利用空港・港湾に反対する記事を書いているメディア関係者も、哀れな小生より、よほど羽振りがいい。
> 小生も一度でいいから札束を蹴り上げ、前述のセリフを吐いてみたい

* Based on my personal life experience, persons who say that "Money can't buy happiness" tend to hoard more money.
Persons concerning the mass media, who write articles against "Special Use Airports & Ports," are much better off than miserable me.
Even if it's just once, I also want to kick up my wad of bills and say the aforementioned line.

> だが少なくともわが故郷には、将来にわたって「心もフトコロも豊か」な島々であってほしい。

* Joking aside, When I look at the current international situation, I'm serious worried about the future of Okinawa and Japan.
But at least I want my hometown to be an island that is "rich in spirit and money" from now on.