
> 5/3 第26回「公開憲法フォーラム」(令和6年)

Translation; "Non-partisan discussion, please" = PM Fumio Kishida appealed that the constitutional revision is an important issue intolerable to postpone

>"首相、改憲「党派超えて議論を」 先送りできない重要課題と訴え"

> 岸田文雄首相(自民党総裁)は憲法記念日の3日、東京都内で開かれた集会にビデオメッセージを寄せ「社会が大きく変化し、憲法改正はますます先送りのできない重要課題となった」と述べ、改憲の必要性を訴えた。
> 自民派閥の裏金事件を改めて陳謝した上で「信頼回復のためにも政治改革と併せて、憲法改正について党派を超えて連携しながら、真摯に議論を行う」と強調した。

On the Constitution Day, May 3, PM Fumio Kishida (LDP President) sent a video message to a rally held in Tokyo. He appealed for the necessity of constitutional revision, saying that "The society has changed dramatically, and constitutional revision has become an increasingly important issue impossible to postpone."
After apologizing for the slush fund case by the LDP intra-party factions, he emphasized that "In order to restore trust, along with political reforms, we will seriously discuss constitutional revision, while cooperating with non-partisantly."

> 9月までの自民総裁任期中の改憲を掲げる首相は「国会の発議を見据えた議論をしていかなければ、いつまでも改正は実現できない」と議論の加速化を提唱。
> 現行憲法の基本理念は今後も決して揺らぐことはないとしながら「時代にそぐわない部分、不足している部分は果断に見直しを行わなければならない」と指摘した。

The prime minister, who has advocated amending the Constitution during his term as LDP president until September, proposed to accelerate the discussions, saying that "If we don't discuss that while taking into account the proposal by the Diet, we will never be able to revise the Constitution."
He kept the CDPJ, which requires cautious discussion, in check, sayin that "If we unnecessarily prolong the discussion and don't even show the options, it can't be helped that be said an abdication of responsibility."
He pointed out that "We must decisively review parts that are not in keeping with the times or insufficient," while saying that the basic principles of the current Constitution will never waver."