



↓(See detAIl of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Channel Seiron]. On-site report = "freedom of jeer" which tolerates election-interference

>"[チャンネル正論]. 現場報告 選挙妨害を許す「ヤジの自由」"

> 衆院東京15区補欠選挙(28日投開票)で一部の陣営が他候補の演説会場に駆け付け、大きな声で政策やスキャンダルについて〝質問〟する行為を繰り返し、円滑な選挙活動が妨害された。
> これを助長したのが「ヤジも言論」という「風土」だ。
> 19年の参院選で安倍晋三首相(当時)の演説中にヤジを飛ばした男女二人を警察が排除したことをめぐり、札幌高裁は昨年6月、一人に「警察は表現の自由を侵害した」と認めた。
> 15区を取材した産経新聞の奥原慎平記者が解説する。
> 聞き手は月刊「正論」発行人の有元隆志。

During the LH Tokyo Constituency 15th by-election (voted & counted on April 28), some members of a camp rushed to the speech venue of other candidates and repeatedly asked questions about policies and scandals in a loud voice. Smooth election campaigns were therefore disrupted.
What encouraged this was a "culture" in which "even a jeer is a speak."
Over the issue that the police excluded two persons of a male and a female who jeered during the speech by then-PM Shinzo Abe in the 2019 UH general election, the Sapporo High Court ruled acknowledged in last June that "the police violated freedom of expression" of one person.
Sankei Shimbun reporter Shinpei Okuhara, who covered the Tokyo Constituency 15th (* who is in charge of politics), explains that in the following footage.
The interviewer is Takashi Arimoto, publisher of the monthly "Seiron" (who is a former director of the political dept. of The Sankei Shimbun).

> 現場報告選挙妨害を許す「ヤジの自由」