Ref.>"U23 日本優勝キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!"


>"岸田首相、改憲「党派超えて議論を」 先送りできない重要課題と訴え"

>「戦争加担と一緒だ」なぜ?米大学に広がる抗議デモ… 背景に学生の "当事者意識"【報道ステーション】(2024年5月1日)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/3)


> 早速、東京15区補選の当選者、酒井なつみ氏が共産党や社民党と一緒に改憲反対集会に出て活動。
> 共産党の田村智子委員長 & 小池晃書記局長、社民党の福島瑞穂党首、立憲民主党逢坂誠ニ代表代行らから笑顔がこぼれる。
> この面々に舵取りされたら日本はどうなるのだろうか。
> 投票拒否の方々にその事を伺いたい

Natsumi Sakai, the Tokyo Constituency 15th by-election elect, immediately carryed activity out in a anti-constitutional revise rally with the CCP and the SDP.
CCP Chairman Tomoko Tamura and Secretary-General Akira Koike, SDJ Leader Mizuho Fukushima, and acting leader of the CDPJ Seini Osaka were all smiling.
What will happen to Japan if these people are at the helm?
I would like to question abstained eligible voters about that.



> 高市早苗経済安全保障大臣が "能動的サイバー防御(ACD)"を可能とする為には、少なくとも電気通信事業法、不正アクセス禁止法、刑法に加え、一元的な権限と責任を担う行政機関の設置法など「複数の法律の改正が必要」と投稿。
> 大規模サイバー攻撃の兆候があれば、早期に攻撃者を特定して攻撃を妨害する為には何が必要か。
>「河野大臣の所掌分野ではありますが重要インフラへのサイバー攻撃が増加する中、国民の皆様の安全を守り抜く為にも ACDを可能とする法整備を成し遂げて頂く事を心待ちにしています」と。
> 風雲急を告げる国家危機。
> 次期総裁選でも主要議題に

Economic security Minister Sanae Takaichi X-posted that, in order to enable "active cyber defense (ACD)," in addition to at least the "Telecommunications Business Act," "Act concerning the Prohibition of Unauthorized Computer Access" and "Criminal Law," "plural laws need to be amended" including the act on establishment of administrative organs with authority and responsibility in a unified manner.
If there is an indication of a large-scale cyber attack, what's necessary to identify the attacker promptly and block the attack?
She X-posted that "Although this is Minister Kono's area of responsibility, in the situation that the number of cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure increases, I look forward to seeing him enact legislation that will enable ACD partially in order to protect the safety of every ane each national.
A national crisis is looming large.
It will be a major topic of discussion in the next LDP presidential election.



> 親パレスチナ運動のカリフォルニア大に機動隊&警察突入。
> ブリンケン国務長官が習近平氏に「大統領選に手を出すな」と言った理由がここにも。
> 前回大統領選に続いてイヤらしい動き。
> 60年代の学生運動まで広がる事はないにしても資金提供する国があれば運動は長期化する。
> 学生は独裁国の掌で踊るべからず

The riot police and police storm UCLA, where a pro-Palestinian movem was taking place.
This is the reason too why U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said to Xi Jinping not to interfere in the presidential election.
This is an unpleasant move following the previous presidential election.
Even though it won't develop to the level of the student movement during the 1960s, if there is a country that provides funding, the move will last for a long time.
Students should not dance in the palm of a dictatorship.



> NYの大学生に「なぜ親パレスチナ活動をしているのか」と尋ねたら、返ってきた言葉は「主催者に聞け」や「スポークスマンに聞け」というものばかり。
> 学生ならここぞとばかり自分の主張を聞いて貰いたいのでは…
> 考えただけで恐ろしい

When he questioned university students in New York that "Why do you engage in pro-Palestinian activities?", the all responded answers were "Ask the organizers," "Ask the spokesperson," etc.
As they are students, they should probably want their point to be listened to as as excellent opportunity, shouldn't they!?
A question emerges that "Who is organizing this demonstration and who is leading it?"
It's scary just thinking about that.



> 南シナ海のスカボロー礁に向かっていた比の沿岸警備隊船など2隻が中国海警局の放水砲で損傷し、両国は非難の応酬。
> オースティン米国防長官は1951年締結の相互防衛条約に基づき「中国の行動は国際法を無視した無責任なものだ。米は比を支援する。この条約への米のコミットメントは揺るぎない。我々は比と共にある」と。
> ここでも一触即発

Two ships, including a Philippine coast guard ship, heading for Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea, were damaged by Chinese Coast Guard water cannons, and both countries exchanged accusations.
Based on U.S.-the Republic of the Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty (1951), Secretary of Defense Lloyd James Austin III said that "China's behaviors are irresponsible and ignore international law. The U.S. supports the Philippines. U.S. commitment to this treaty is ironclad. We are on the Philippine side."
It's a about to have a fight situation here too.



>"脱炭素実現"なら CO2排出圧倒的1位で世界の石炭火力発電のシェア 50%の中国で太陽光パネルを使ってもらうのが一番。
>「太陽光パネル生産の世界シェア 90%の中国が太陽光パネルを使って石炭火力を削減するよう要請するのが正解」と藤原かずえ氏。
> 仰る通り。
> 中国がそれがしないのは、それだけ非効率という事

When it comes to "achieve de-carbonization," the best way is to make China use solar panels, which is by far the No. 1 CO2 emitter and accounts for 50% of the world's coal-fired power generation.
Kazue Fujiwara X-posted that "The correct answer is to request that China, which has a 90% share of the world's solar panel production, reduces coal-fired power generation by using solar panels."
She has a point.
The reason why China doesn't do that is that it's inefficient so much.


>"石炭火力発電に強まる廃止圧力、アンモニア活用など現実路線探る日本 原発再稼働進まず"