Ref.>"Letters to Megumi: Children's Heartfelt Hopes Under the Cherry Blossoms"

>「時間がない」拉致被害者家族が訪米 "対話路線"変更に理解と協力を(2024年5月1日)

Translation; "There is no time" = Association of the Families of Victims requested support to the U.S. in the abduction issue

>"拉致解決「時間がない」 被害者家族会、米に支援要請"

> 北朝鮮に拉致された横田めぐみさん=失踪当時(13)=の弟で、被害者家族会代表の拓也さん(55)が4月 30日、ワシントンで記者会見し、被害者の早期帰国に向けて米政府高官や連邦議員に支援を求めたと明らかにした。
> 母早紀江さん(88)の写真を見せて「高齢化している親世代には時間がない」と早期解決を訴えた。

On April 30, Takuya Yokota (55) -- younger brother of the abduction-victim Megumi Yokota (13 years old at the time of disappearance) and chairperson of Association of the Families of Victims Kidnapped by N. Korea -- held a press briefing in Washington DC, and revealed to have requested support to U.S. governmental senior official(s) and Congress person(s) in order for early returning of the victims.
He showed a photo showing the mother Sakie (88), and appealed early settlement saying that "the aged parental generation has no time."

> 拓也さんは米側に、全ての拉致被害者の即時一括帰国が実現するなら日本の独自制裁解除に反対しないとの新たな運動方針も説明し、理解を求めた。

Takuya explained to the U.S. side the new movement-policy that it would not oppose the lifting of Japan's own sanctions if all the abductees were to be returned to Japan en masse, and asked for their understanding.
He conveyed that "he movement's policy of shifting its focus to dialogue was a difficult decision to make," and alledgedly wasn't counterargued.