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> 中国海軍、3隻目の空母「福建」を試験航行 電磁式カタパルトを装備(2024年5月1日)

↓(See detAIl of this article)、朝鮮日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Chosun Ilbo)

Translation; The 1st test voyage of China's 3rd aircraft carrier "the Fujian" = the origin of its0 name is on the opposite coast of Taiwan

>"艦名の由来は台湾の対岸… 中国3隻目の空母「福建」が初の試験航海"

> 米国と中国が台湾海峡を巡って対立を続ける中、中国の3隻目の空母「福建」が初の試験航海を始めた。
> 空母は建造、進水、停泊(係留)試験、海上試験の4段階の準備を経て実践配備されるが、最終段階に達したことで、今年中に正式に就役する可能性が高まった。
> 新型空母の名前は、台湾の対岸に位置する福建省から取ったもので、中国の「台湾統一」の意志が込められているとの解釈が出ている。

In the situation that the U.S. and China continuously conflict over the Taiwan Strait, China's 3rd aircraft carrier, "the Fujian," began its 1st test voyage.
An aircraft carrier undergoes four stages of preparation: "construction," "launch," "berthing (mooring) tests" and "maritime trials" before being deployed. and as reaching the final stages raises the possibility that it will be officially commissioned by the end of this year.
The new aircraft carrier is named after Fujian Province, which is located on the opposite coast of Taiwan. Therefore an interpretation emerges that this is an expression of China's will to "unify Taiwan."

> 中国国営の新華社通信は1日、「福建」が同日午前8時に上海の江南造船所を出航し、試験航海を始めたと報じた。
> 今回の航海では空母の推進力と電気システムの安全性などをテストする。
> これに先立ち、造船所のある揚子江河口では、この日から9日まで「軍事活動」を理由に海上交通の統制措置が取られたという。
> 香港のサウス・チャイナ・モーニング・ポスト(SCMP)が報じた。

On May 1, China's state-run Xinhua News Agency reported that "the Fujian" departed from the "Jiangnan Shipyard" in Shanghai at 8:00 am on that day and began her test voyage.
In the voyage this time, the propulsion and safety of the aircraft carrier's electrical systems will be tested.
In prior to that, measures were allegedly taken to control maritime traffic at the mouth of the Yangtze River, where the shipyard is located, from that day to the 9th due to "military activities."
This was reported by the South China Morning Post (SCMP) in Hong Kong.

> 2012年に実戦配備された「遼寧」は、中国初の空母という象徴性はあるが、旧ソ連で開発が中止となった空母「ワリャーグ」を購入・改造したもので「ソ連のスクラップ船」と呼ばれている。

The "Fujian" is paid attention because it was originally designed by China, unlike the existing "Liaoning" and "Shandong," which were based on the design of former Soviet Union aircraft carriers.
The "Liaoning," which entered combat service in 2012, is symbolic as China's 1st aircraft carrier. However, it was purchased and modified from the aircraft carrier Varyag, whose development was discontinued in the former Soviet Union. It's therefore called the "Soviet scrap ship."
"Shandong" was built independently by China. However, as it was made to imitate the Liaoning, that it looks exactly the same.

> このため「福建」は、「遼寧」「山東」に比べて性能面ではるかに上回る。
> 満載排水量は8万トン以上で、10万トン超を誇る米国の空母よりは小さいが、6万トン前後の「遼寧」「山東」に比べると圧倒的に大きい。
> J-15や早期警戒機 KJ-600など 60機以上の艦載機が搭載されるとみられ、特に中国の第5世代ステルス艦載機 FC-31が搭載される可能性が注目されている。

For this reason, the "Fujian" is far superior than the "Liaoning" & "Shandong" in terms of performance.
With a fully loaded displacement of more than 80,000 tons, even though it's smaller than U.S. aircraft carriers, which are proud of over 100,000 tons, it's overwhelmingly larger than the "Liaoning" & "Shandong," which have around 60,000 tons.
It's forecasted to be equipped with more than 60 carrier-based aircraft, including the "J-15" and "KJ-600" early warning aircraft. In particular, the possibility to be equipped with China's 5th-generation stealth carrier-based aircraft, "the FC-31," is paid attention.

> また、「遼寧」「山東」は船首を船尾より高くした「スキージャンプ台」状のスロープを利用して艦載機を発進させるが、「福建」は電磁式カタパルト(射出機)を採用した。
> カタパルトを利用すれば、重武装した軍用機を短時間で多数発進させることができる。
> 中国国営 CCTVが公開した映像には、「福建」に設置された3基のカタパルトが鮮明に映っている。
> ただし、「福建」は原子力ではなく在来式動力を使用するため、電磁式射出機に必要な莫大な電力の確保が課題となる可能性がある。

Additionally, the "Liaoning" & "Shandong" use a ski jump-like slope with the bow higher than the stern to launch carrier-based aircraft. However, the "Fujian" adopted electromagnetic catapults (injection machines).
By using a catapult, it's possible to launch large number of heavily armed military aircraft in a short period of time.
The footage released by China's state-run CCTV clearly shows three catapults installed in the "Fujian."
However, Fujian uses not "nuclear" but "conventional power." Therefore securing the huge amount of electricit necessary for electromagnetic injection machines will possibly be problematized.