Ref.>"れいわ新選組・やはた愛氏が履いていたサンダルが判明 → 反応『こんなふざけたサンダル… 舐めんな!』"




Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/2)


> 飯山あかり氏が常軌を逸した選挙妨害に遭って以降、不眠・耳鳴り等に悩まされるようになり専門医の "加療が必要"との診断を受けた。
> やむなく日本保守党東京15区支部長は下りる事に。
> 選挙戦を通じ日本のあるべき姿を示し続けてくれた飯山さん。
> じっくり休んで英気を養って下さい

After experiencing an unusual form of election interference, Akari Iiyama began to suffer from insomnia and ringing in her ears. She therefore received a diagnosis from a specialist that "she needs medical treatment."
She had no choice but to step down as head of the Tokyo Constituency 15th branch of the Conservative Party of Japan.
Iiyama continuously showed us what Japan should be like throughout the election campaign.
Please take a good rest and recharge her energy.



> 東京15区補選の史上最低投票率 40.70%が創り上げた「組織票の勝利」を嘆いている方は、民主主義を守ろうとするこの台湾人との意識の差を見てほしい。
> 相互主義に反して土地も水源も高級マンションも中国人に買われまくる日本。
> その中国では「我々現代中国人の使命は、東風 41型核ミサイルで日本人を "神の元"に送る事だ」との主張が拍手喝采を浴びている。
> 何の危機感も持たない平和ボケ国家が辿る道とは?

Those lamenting about the "victory of organizational votes" -- which was created by the record lowest turnout of "40.70%" in the Tokyo Constituency 15th by-election -- should look at the difference in consciousness from those Taiwanese persons, who are trying to protect democracy.
Contrary to reciprocity, Japan's lands, water sources and luxury condominiums are bought by Chinese persons a lot.
In China, the claim that "Our mission as modern Chinese is to send the Japanese persons back to God with Dongfeng-41 nuclear missiles" has been met with applause.
What path will a peaceful nation with no sense of crisis take?

>"台湾人が教えてくれた 「民主主義」って何ですか?【60秒で学べる News】配信企画「ウエンツ瑛士が見た!台湾総統選の裏側③」"


> サイバー攻撃の兆候を捉えて事前に対処する "能動的サイバー防御"。
> だが早急に必要な関連法案提出を岸田首相は今国会見送り。
> 憲法が保障する通信の秘密との整合性等の議論が進んでいない為、と。
> 国を守る為に必要な法律はやらず、不必要なものは進める岸田氏。
> 理解不能

"Active cyber defense" to detect signs of cyber attacks and take proactive measures.
However, PM Kishida has decided not to submit related bill(s), which is urgently needed, in the current Diet session.
It's explained that the reason why is that discussion has yet progressed sufficiently regarding consistency with the "secrecy of communications" guaranteed by the Constitution, etc.
PM Kishida, who doesn't implement laws necessary to defend the country, while proceeding unnecessary ones.

>"サイバー防御法案、今国会見送りへ 「通信の秘密」議論進まず"


> 日本の場合、権限を持つ政治家、首長、官僚など "要所"を押えれば何でもできる。
> 貧困化した日本人を笑いながら、例えば東京では中国人が東京ドーム 60個分の土地を既に買ったそうだ。
> 大阪は中国移民の自治区を目指し大量購入。
> 京都の観光地などの古い料亭、旅館なども次々買い占め。
> 要所を押えているので、やり放題。
> 国民自身が流れを変えなければならないのに、政治に無関心で投票にも行かない…
> これが滅ぶ国

In Japan, anything is possible to do, if only you grapse the "key points" -- such as pliticians, municipalities heads and bureaucrats with authority.
While laughing at the impoverished Japanese persons, for example, in Tokyo, Chinese persons allegedly and already bought the land equivalent to the 60 Tokyo Dome.
In Osaka, aiming to create an autonomous region for Chinese immigrants, they have purchased in large quantities.
"Old restaurants" and "Japanese inns" in sightseeing spots in Kyoto and so son are also being bought up one after another.
The have grasped the key-points, they therefore can do whatever they want.
The nationals themselves must change the trend. Nevertheless , they aren't interested in politics and don't even to to vote...
This is the country that will perish.



> 日本の美しい山々を覆い尽くすソーラーパネル。
> この写真を見て、何も感じない政治家は、もう政治家をやめてほしい。
> 増額された再エネ賦課金で益々強化され、利益は業者と政治家と中国に流れていく。
> この太陽光発電パネルがウイグル人の苦しみの下で製造されたものである事も忘れてはならない

Solar panels thoroughly covering the beautiful mountains in Japan.
I want politicians, who look at this photo and don't feel anything, to step down from their offices.
With the increased "renewable energy charge," it will become more and more powerful, and the profits will flow to "operators," "politicians" & "China."
We must also never forget that these solar panels were manufactured under the suffering of the Uighur people.



> 10日後に迫った故郷高知での "高市早苗 & 門田隆将"ダブル講演会。
> 政財官マスコミ全てが中国に靡き、見るも無惨な日本。
> その上、9月の自民党総裁選で媚中政治家の "政権たらい回し"に入るかも知れない生存危機。
> 今ほど「自由は土佐の山間より出づ」の言葉を噛みしめる日々はない。
> 日本を憂う土佐人はお集まり下さい

A double-lectures by Sanae Takaichi & Ryusho Kadota will be held in their hometown of Kochi 10 days later.
All the government, financial circle and mass media are dominated by China, and Japan is in the miserable situation.
Even worse, it's in the existential crisis situation, that the LDP presidential election in September could lead to a "rotation of administration" among pro-China politicians.
There have never been days when I have remembered the words "Freedom emerges in the mountains of Tosa" more deeply than I do now.
Tosa native persons, who are worried about Japan, please gather on the venue.