

>"韓国のコーヒー店 HOLLYSが海外初の直営店をオープン 世界市場へ進出する第一歩だ"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 5/2)


> 先週、韓国男 & 日本女の夫婦の YouTuberが
>「結婚する時、賃貸でスタート。貯金は 50万円程度だった」
> と語る動画が韓国で大きな話題になり、それを見た韓国の男たちは衝撃を受けた🙄
> 韓国では男の両親の老後資金まで結婚資金(住宅準備)に充てるケースも少なくない。

Last week, a footage of a YouTuber couple, a S. Korean male and a Japanese female, saying that "When we got married, we started living in a rental housing. We had about \500,000 in savings," became a hot topic in S. Korea.
S. Korean males who viewed that were shocked🙄
In S. Korea, there are many cases in which even a male's parents' retirement fund is used for marriage expenses (housing preparations).

> 韓国男性が結婚したくない理由(韓国 SNSから引用)
Reasons why S. Korean males don't want to get married (quoted from social media in S. Korea).
- I saw my father being ignored by my mother.
- Girl friend who takes treats and presents for granted. (she doesn't appreciate them)
- When a male gets married, he has to prepare a house.
- After marriage, he must give up his financial rights.
- I have rarely seen a husband who are treated well after marriage.

> 日本の旅行サイト、ブログ、SNSにもたくさん紹介されている韓国の老舗パン屋「Lee Sung-dang」。
> 日本統治時代、日本人経営の店を終戦後韓国人が買収、運営との情報は載ってるけどちょっと物足りない説明🙄
> 買収した韓国人は、北海道へ出稼ぎ労働者に行って、大金を貯めて帰った人だったことも紹介しないと🥴

Lee Sung-dang, which is a long-established bakery in S. Korea, which is introduced much on Japanese travel sites, blogs and social media.
There is information that a (S)Korean "acquired" and "operated" the store, that was run by Japanese during the Japanese ruling period, after the end of the war. However, the explanation is a little bit unsatisfactory🙄
I should've also introduce that the (S)Korean who bought the company went to Hokkaido to work as a migrant worker, saved up a lot of money, and returned home country.