Ref.>"川口市で男性が暴行受け死亡… 複数のベトナム人風の外国人がナイフを持って騒ぐ"

>'門田隆将氏「女性天皇と女系天皇の違いも国民に理解させないまま "女性天皇実現"のマスコミ誘導が進む…」'

>"【テレビ】豊洲の観光施設にて… 外国人は金額を気にせず豪華海鮮グルメを満喫、一方日本人はおにぎりのみ(※動画)"

>"X民「あの ... 円安だ!円安だ!円安のせいで生活が苦しい!とか言ってる人って円高のときは生活が楽だったんですか?!」"

> 大混戦の3補選結果 東京15区史上最低の投票率 40% 【一般ライブ】4/29 (月) 17:00~17:40【マンデーバスターズ】ほんこん×斎藤七夏瑚×門田隆将×高橋洋一

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 4/30)


> 欧州の失敗を無視し今後5年で10万人のインドネシア人を受け入れる岸田首相。
> イスラム教徒が大半で家族帯同で。
> 彼らの医療費や義務教育費、児童手当や生活保護など全て日本国民の負担に。
> 岸田氏実弟はインドネシア人の日本就労を支援する会社の社長、河野太郎氏の実弟は中国との合弁会社の社長。
> 実に分り易い

PM Kishida, who will accept 100,000 Indonesians in the next five years, while ignoring the Europe's failures.
The majority of them will be Muslims, and they will come to Japan with their families.
Their medical expenses, compulsory education expenses, child allowances, welfare benefits, etc. will be all shouldered by the Japanese nationals.
PM Kishida's younger brother is the president of a company supporting Indonesians to be employed in Japan, and Taro Kono's younger brother is the president of a joint venture with China.
It's really easy to understand.



> 女性天皇と女系天皇の違いも国民に理解させないまま "女性天皇実現"のマスコミ誘導が進む。
> そのお子様を皇位に就かせる(女系天皇)為のものだ。
> 父親を遡れば神武天皇に辿りつく "皇統"という唯一のルールを破壊したい策謀。
> 9月の自民党総裁選で選択を誤れば大変な事態に。
> そこまで言って委員会でも大激論

Guidance by mass media in order for "realization of female emperor" is progressed without making the nationals understand the difference between "female emperor" and "matrilineal emperor" (* emperor (either male or female) whose mother is a member of the Imperial family but whose father is not).
The aim is to realize "matrilineal emperor" -- making its child to ascend to the imperial throne.
This is a plot to want to destroy the only rule known as the "Imperial lineage," which reaches Emperor Jinmu when tracing back the fathers lineage.
If we makes the wrong choice in the LDP presidential election in September, it will cause the serious situation.
A heated debate was done at a program of "Sokomade-itte Iinkai" too.

>'そこまで言って委員会NP. 教えて明大さん!世界の "会議"徹底検証 SP!'


> そこまで言って委員会 NPで田嶋陽子さんと私の論争をデイリーが取り上げている。
> まず "皇統とは何か"を知ってほしい

The debate between Yoko Tajima and I at a program of "Sokomade-itte Iinkai NP" is reported by Daily.
It was headed up -- in response to Tajima who said that "As a human being, I really don't want to use words like "patrilineal (emperor)" or anything like that! What's patrilineal?," I counter-argued that "There are persons who have this kind of opinions just like in general matters, while not understanding the imperial lineage. The only rule for the imperial lineage is patrilineal imperial succession. Based on this rule, there is the history to have succeeded continuously and uninterruptedly for 2,000 years."
At first, I would like her to know "what's the imperial lineage."